(apologies for crossposting)
The Institute for Natural Language Processing at the University of Stuttgart invites applications for a 3-year position that can be filled by a Phd student (with some prior experience) or a postdoctoral researcher. The successful candidate will work in the project "The Interplay of Emotions and Convincingness in Argument Mining for NLP" (EMCONA) in which we analyse the effect that emotions play on the convincingness of emotions. The project is a collaboration between the University of Stuttgart (Roman Klinger) and the University of Bielefeld (Steffen Eger). The PhD student who is advised by Roman Klinger in Stuttgart will focus on appraisal-theory-based analysis of emotions in argumentative texts. The PhD student in Steffen Eger's group will work on generating bias-free arguments. You can find more information at https://romanklinger.de/projects/job-emcona.pdf
If you have questions, please contact Roman Klinger via email at roman.klinger@ims.uni-stuttgart.de
The application deadline is May 10th, 2023. We intend to start the project in late summer.
Best regards,
Roman (Klinger)