Dear all,
We have an open full-time PhD position in the Collaborative Research Center "Global Dynamics of Social Policy" at the University of Bremen, funded for at least 3 years.
The research of our project focuses on computational social science, especially natural language processing and data visualization. Currently, we are looking for someone interested in focusing their doctoral research on challenging NLP tasks involving the analysis of multilingual social science data from social media and official documents published worldwide since 1880. The goal is to empower social science researchers with advanced computational methods.
You can find more information about the job offer here:
Please feel free to share with any interested students and reach out for any questions to Prof. Andreas Breiter (abreiter at who leads the team.
Best regards,
Gabriela C. Molina León
Doctoral Researcher
ifib - Institute for Information Management Bremen
CRC 1342: Global Dynamics of Social Policy
Universität Bremen
Unicom, 7.1040
Mary-Somerville-Str. 7
28359 Bremen