(apologies for cross-postings)

CRAC 2022, the Fifth Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference, will be held at COLING 2022 on October 16–17, in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea (in hybrid mode).

Important dates (ALL NEW!)

·        Workshop papers due: Jul 25, 2022

·        Notification of acceptance: Sep 1, 2022

·        Camera-ready papers due: Sep 12, 2022


We are interested in your work on any aspect of theoretical or applied computational work on anaphora/coreference resolution. Some topics to suggest:

·        coreference resolution for less-researched languages

·        annotation and interpretation of anaphoric relations, including relations other than identity coreference (e.g., bridging references)

·        investigation of difficult cases of anaphora and their resolution

·        coreference resolution in noisy data (e.g. in social media)

·        new applications of coreference resolution

·        Universal Anaphora

·        CorefUD

Paper categories

·        Research papers (theoretical computational linguistics, empirical/data-driven approaches, paradigms/techniques/strategies, analysis papers, resources and evaluation, negative result)

·        Survey papers (surveys a popular or emerging area of anaphora/coreference resolution)

·        Position papers (presents one side of an arguable opinion about an issue)

·        Challenge papers (a challenge to the field in terms of setting out a goal for the next 5/10/20 years)

·        Demo papers (systems, tools, visualizations)

·        Extended abstracts (describe work in progress)

Double submission

We allow for double submissions. Please indicate during submission to which other conference or workshop your work has been submitted.

We also invite authors of papers accepted to Findings of the main conferences (e.g. ACL, NAACL, EMNLP) to present their work at the workshop. It these papers were removed from the Findings, they can be included in the proceedings of the workshop without additional review.

Submission link

Please submit your paper to SoftConf. All submissions must follow the COLING 2022 formatting instructions.

Please find all other important information on the CRAC 2022 website.


See you at CRAC 2022!

Maciej Ogrodniczuk
(on behalf of all organizers: Vincent Ng, Sameer Pradhan, Anna Nedoluzhko and Massimo Poesio)