We are offering a postdoctoral fellowship with the Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies, the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo , Brazil, funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Grant #2022/05848-7.
Successful applicants will contribute research to at least one of the following topics: 1.Development and refinement of methodologies and innovative resources for MD Analysis; 2. MD description of register variation across different languages and domains; 3. MD identification of discourse surrounding socially relevant issues in the contemporary world. A full-time commitment of 40 hours per week is required. Applicants must have obtained a doctoral degree less than seven years ago. The fellowship duration is between 12 and 24 months. Interested applicants should complete the online form at: https://form.jotform.com/230804143618956 by May 31. 2025. The fellowship provides a monthly stipend of 12,000 BRL ( https://fapesp.br/valores/bolsasnopais). Project proposals and corpus data may be in either English or Portuguese.
Questions, please email tnnycorpuslg@gmail.com