COLING 2025 Workshop: New Horizons in Computational Linguistics for Religious Texts (Coling-Rel 25)
Part of the COLING 2025 Conference
Abu Dhabi, UAE
January 19-24, 2025

We invite submissions for the COLLING 2025 Workshop on New Horizons in Computational Linguistics for Religious Texts that will be held with the 31st edition of COLING in 2025 in Abu Dhabi (UAE) (COLING 2025). This workshop invites researchers exploring the intersection of language technology and religious texts. This workshop aims to foster discussion on cutting-edge applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to religious texts, including:
    • Analyzing faith-defining canons and authoritative interpretations
    • Extracting insights from sermons, liturgy, prayers, and poetry
    • Leveraging Large Language Models for novel research avenues
The Coling-Rel25 workshop will explore the potential of NLP to unlock new understandings of religious traditions and chart the future of this exciting research area. The workshop welcomes researchers from computational linguistics, digital humanities, and related fields.

1. Workshop Topics and Contents

We welcome submissions on a range of topics, including but not limited to:
    • Computational Morphology and Syntax for Religious texts;
    • analysis of ceremonial, liturgical, and ritual speech; recitation styles; speech decorum; discourse analysis for religious texts;
   • suitability of modal and other logics for knowledge representation and inference in religious texts;
   • issues in, and evaluation of, machine translation in religious texts;
   • text-mining, stylometry, and authorship attribution for religious texts;
   • corpus query languages and tools for exploring religious corpora;
   • dictionaries, thesaurai, Wordnet, and ontologies for religious texts;
   • measuring semantic relatedness between multiple religious texts;
   • (new) corpora and rich and novel annotation schemes for religious texts;
   • annotation and analysis of religious metaphor;
   • genre analysis for religious texts;
   • LLMs adaptation for religious texts;
   • ethical issues of LLMs for religious texts;
   • application of computer-supported methods in the analysis of religious texts in other disciplines (e.g., theology, classics, philosophy, literature).

2. Organizing Committee

   • Dr. Majdi Sawalha, Artificial Intelligence Department, The University of Jordan, Jordan
   • Prof. Sane Yagi, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, University of Sharjah, UAE.
   • Dr. Faisal Alshargi, Magdeburg University, Germany.
   • Dr. Abdallah Al-Shdaifat, Arabic Language Department, Mohamad bin Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
   • Prof. Ashraf Elnagar, Computer Science Department, University of Sharjah, UAE.
   • Dr. Bayan Abu Shawar, College of Engineering, Al-Ain University, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
   • Dr. Noorhan Abbas, School of Computing, The University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.

3. Important Dates

   - 15 July 2024: First Call for papers
   - 09 September 2024: Second Call for papers
   - 29 September 2024: Final Call for papers
   - 11 November 2024: Paper Submission due
   - 05 December 2024: Notification for Acceptance
   - 13 December 2024: Camera-ready format (cannot be changed)
   - 19 January 2025: COLING-2025 Workshops
   - 21-24 January 2025: COLING-2025 conference

4. Submission Information

Coling-Rel25 workshop invites the submission of long papers of up to eight pages (limits only apply to the main body of the paper). We are following the instructions for COLING 25 proceedings which can be found on this page.  At the end of the paper (after the conclusions but before the references) papers need to include a mandatory section discussing the limitations of the work and, optionally, a section discussing ethical considerations. Papers can include unlimited pages of references and an unlimited appendix.

Direct submission
Papers should be submitted through Softconf/START using the following link:

Each paper will receive a minimum of three reviews. Authors will have the opportunity to provide a short rebuttal to clarify any misunderstandings. The review process will be double-blind. Reviewers will not see authors, authors will not see reviewers. Reviews and submissions will not be made publicly visible.

5. Contact
   Majdi Sawalha,  sawalha.majdi@gmail.com or sawalha.majdi@ju.edu.jo

Workshop link

Majdi Sawalha,
Associate professor, Computer Information Systems Department, King Abdullah II School of Information Technology, The UNIVERSITY OF JORDAN, Amman, Jordan.