First Call for Papers: The 20th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2025) Location: Vienna, Austria and online Date: Thursday, July 31 and Friday, August 1, 2025 (co-located with ACL 2025) Website: Submission Deadline: Thursday, April 17, 2025, 11:59pm UTC-12
The 20th BEA workshop will be the first edition of BEA as a 2-day workshop, and it will feature a keynote by Kostiantyn Omelianchuk (Grammarly), oral presentation sessions and large poster sessions to facilitate the presentation of a wide array of original research. This year, the workshop is also hosting a shared task on Pedagogical Ability Assessment of AI-powered Tutors, and a half-day tutorial on LLMs for Education: Understanding the Needs of Stakeholders, Current Capabilities and the Path Forward (more details on both to follow). We expect that the workshop will continue to highlight novel technologies and opportunities for educational NLP in English as well as other languages.
The workshop will accept submissions of both full papers and short papers, eligible for either oral or poster presentation at We solicit papers that incorporate NLP methods, including, but not limited to:
- use of generative AI in education and its impact; - automated scoring of open-ended textual and spoken responses; - automated scoring/evaluation for written student responses (across multiple genres); - game-based instruction and assessment; - educational data mining; - intelligent tutoring; - collaborative learning environments; - peer review; - grammatical error detection and correction; - learner cognition; - spoken dialog; - multimodal applications; - annotation standards and schemas; - tools and applications for classroom teachers, learners and/or test developers; and - use of corpora in educational tools.
All deadlines are 11.59 pm UTC-12 (anywhere on earth).
- Submission deadline: Thursday, April 17, 2025 - Notification of acceptance: Thursday, May 22, 2025 - Camera-ready papers due: Monday, June 9, 2025 - Workshop: Thursday, July 31, and Friday, August 1, 2025
We will be using the START conference system to manage submissions:
- Ekaterina Kochmar, MBZUAI - Andrea Horbach, Hildesheim University - Ronja Laarmann-Quante, Ruhr University Bochum - Marie Bexte, FernUniversität in Hagen - Anaïs Tack, KU Leuven, imec - Victoria Yaneva, National Board of Medical Examiners - Bashar Alhafni, New York University (NYU) & CAMeL Lab in NYUAD - Zheng Yuan, King’s College London - Jill Burstein, Duolingo
Workshop contact email address:
Giora Alexandron (Weizmann Institute of Science); David Alfter (University of Gothenburg); Bashar Alhafni (New York University); Nischal Ashok Kumar (University of Massachusetts Amherst); Michael Gringo Angelo Bayona (Trinity College Dublin); Lee Becker (Pearson); Beata Beigman Klebanov (ETS); Luca Benedetto (University of Cambridge); Kay Berkling (Dhbw); Shayekh Bin Islam (Independent Researcher); Kristy Boyer (University of Florida); Ted Briscoe (MBZUAI); Dominique Brunato (Institute of Computational Linguistics “A. Zampolli” / ILC-CNR); Okan Bulut (University of Alberta); Jill Burstein (Duolingo); Chris Callison-Burch (University of Pennsylvania); Jie Cao (University of Oklahoma); Dan Carpenter (North Carolina State University); Dumitru-Clementin Cercel (“Romania National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest”); Guanliang Chen (Monash University); Mei-Hua Chen (Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Tunghai University); Mark Core (University of Southern California); Steven Coyne (Tohoku University/RIKEN); Syaamantak Das (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay); Chris Davis (Amazon; University of Cambridge); Francisco de Arriba Pérez (Universidade de Vigo); Kordula De Kuthy (Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM)); Orphee De Clercq (LT3, Ghent University); Jasper Degraeuwe (Ghent University (Belgium)); Rahul Divekar (Bentley University); George Dueñas (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional); Yo Ehara (Tokyo Gakugei University); Hamza El Alaoui (Carnegie Mellon University); Effat Farhana (Auburn University); Nigel Fernandez (University of Massachusetts Amherst); Michael Flor (Educational Testing Service); Jennifer-Carmen Frey (Eurac Research); Thomas Gaillat (Université Rennes 2); Ananya Ganesh (University of Colorado); Lingyu Gao (Educational Testing Service); Silvia García-Méndez (University of Vigo); Voula Giouli (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki); Hannah Gonzalez (Microsoft and University of Pennsylvania); Cyril Goutte (National Research Council Canada); Abigail Gurin Schleifer (The Weizmann Institute of Science); Na-Rae Han (University of Pittsburgh); Ching Nam Hang (Yam Pak Charitable Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences, Saint Francis University, Hong Kong); Jiangang Hao (Educational Testing Service); Omer Hemdan Abbdel-Aziz (Cairo University); Nicolas Hernandez (Nantes University - LS2N); Chieh-Yang Huang (MetaMetrics Inc.); Chung-Chi Huang (Frostburg State University); Joseph Marvin Imperial (University of Bath); Radu Tudor Ionescu (University of Bucharest); Qinjin Jia (Meta); Elma Kerz (Exaia Technologies); Fazel Keshtkar (ST. John’s University); Levi King (Google, Indiana University); Mamoru Komachi (Hitotsubashi University); Joni Kruijsbergen (Language and Translation Technology Team, Ghent University); Alexander Kwako (Cambium Assessment); Kristopher Kyle (Linguistics, University of Oregon); Yunshi Lan (East China Normal University); Ji-Ung Lee (Universität des Saarlandes); Arun Balajiee Lekshmi Narayanan (University of Pittsburgh); Zhexiong Liu (University of Pittsburgh); Jakub Macina (ETH Zurich); Lieve Macken (Ghent University); Nitin Madnani (Duolingo); Khyati Mahajan (ServiceNow); James Martin (University of Colorado Boulder); Arianna Masciolini (University of Gothenburg); Sandeep Mathias (Presidency University, Bangalore); Kaushal Kumar Maurya (MBZUAI, Abu Dhabi UAE); Detmar Meurers (Leibniz Institut für Wissensmedien & Universität Tübingen); Ricardo Muñoz Sánchez (Gothenburg University); Farah Nadeem (Lahore University of Management Sciences); Sungjin Nam (ACT, Inc); Aneet Narendranath (Michigan Technological University); Huy Nguyen (Amazon); Gebregziabihier Nigusie (Mizan-Tepi University); S Jaya Nirmala (National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli); Sergiu Nisioi (University of Bucharest); Amin Omidvar (York University); Daniel Oyeniran (University of Alabama); Ulrike Pado (HFT Stuttgart); Long Qin (Alibaba); Mengyang Qiu (Trent University); Arjun Ramesh Rao (Netflix); Hanumant Redkar (Goa University); Aiala Rosá (Instituto de Computación, Facultad de Ingeniería, Udelar); Alla Rozovskaya (City University of New York); Maja Stahl (Leibniz University Hannover); Katherine Stasaski (Salesforce AI Research); Helmer Strik (Radboud University Nijmegen); Hakyung Sung (University of Oregon); Abhijit Suresh (University of Colorado Boulder); Alexandra Uitdenbogerd (RMIT); Sowmya Vajjala (National Research Council, Canada); Justin Vasselli (Nara Institute of Science and Technology); Giulia Venturi (Institute for Computational Linguistics “A. Zampolli” (CNR-ILC)); Amit Arjun Verma (Guvi Geek Network); Carl Vogel (Trinity College Dublin); Elena Volodina (University of Gothenburg, Sweden); Alistair Willis (The Open University, UK); Yiqiao Xu (MetLife Inc.); An-Zi Yen (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University); Torsten Zesch (FernUniversität in Hagen); Jing Zhang (Amazon); Mike Zhang (Aalborg University); Yang Zhong (University of Pittsburgh); Qingyu Zhou (Bytedance); Bowei Zou (Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR); Liang Zou (New York University, Amazon).