Assistant Professor of Translation Technologies and Artificial Intelligence
Department of Linguistics and Translation
Faculty or Arts and Sciences
University of Montréal
Job description
The Department of Linguistics and Translation invites applications for a full-time assistant professor position in Translation Technologies and Artificial Intelligence.
* The successful candidate will be expected to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels, supervise graduate students, pursue research, publication and outreach activities as well as contribute to the academic life of the University.
* Teaching activities will include training undergraduate students in the use of Machine Translation, Translation Technologies and the use of Artificial Intelligence in Translation.
* Graduate research and teaching activities will focus on theoretical and methodological issues in Translation technologies, in particular Neural Machine Translation, Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing from a multilingual perspective.
* The successful candidate will be called upon to develop or consolidate collaborations with professional circles and work with research teams working in Artificial Intelligence, in Montreal, in Canada and internationally.
* PhD in translation, language sciences, computer science or a relevant field; * Excellent research and publication record in the field; * Demonstrated ability to provide high quality university education; * Membership in the Ordre des traducteurs, terminologies et interprètes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ) or a professional translation association will be considered an asset.
* Have sufficient knowledge of the French language or be determined to learn it once on the job through the French language learning support program offered by UdeM, under the Language Policy of the Montreal university.
The successful candidate's file, depending on their expertise and interest, could be proposed for a position as an IVADO Professor. These positions offer improved starting conditions. The person will participate in the ambitious project (IAR3) aimed at the development and adoption of robust, reasoning and responsible artificial intelligence for which IVADO has just obtained an Apogée grant.
How to submit your application
The application file sent to the Department Chair should contain the following documents:
* a cover letter; application must include in the cover letter one of the following statements: “I am a citizen/ permanent resident of Canada.” or “I am not a citizen or permanent resident of Canada.” * a research statement (approximately one page); * a curriculum vitæ; * a copy of recent publications or research work; * a statement on teaching philosophy (maximum one page); * a research statement (maximum two pages); * three letters of recommendation are also to be sent directly to the Department Chair by the referees.
Application file and letters of recommendation must be sent by email before November 15, 2023 to:
Patrick Drouin, Chair
Department of linguistics and Translation
Faculty des Arts and Sciences
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