[Apologies for cross posting]
MULTI-Fake-DetectiVE @ EVALITA 2023
Final call for Participation
Task website, news and updates: https://sites.google.com/unipi.it/multi-fake-detective
Contacts: multifakedetective [at] gmail [dot] com
We invite you to participate in the FIRST shared task on Multimodal Fake News Detection in Italian (MULTI-Fake-DetectiVE). The shared task is aimed at broadening the horizon of research on disinformation in Italian by addressing both the textual and visual modalities.
MULTI-Fake-DetectiVE proposes two subtasks. Participants are allowed to participate in either task or both of them.
The evaluation window for both subtask is open until May 19! Test data available on the website.
--------- Tasks ---------
Task 1. Multimodal Fake News Detection The task is structured as a multi-class classification problem in a multimodal setting. Given a piece of content c = ⟨ t, v ⟩ including a textual component t and a visual component v (i.e., an image), classify it as being one of the following labels on a scale: Certainly Fake, Probably Fake, Probably Real, Certainly Real.
Task 2. Cross-modal relations in Fake and Real News The task is aimed at assessing how the two modalities (i.e., textual and visual) relate to each other in the context of fake and real news. The task is formulated as a three-class classification problem. Given a piece of content c = ⟨ t, v ⟩ which includes a textual component t and a visual component v, decide whether their combination is misleading, not misleading in the interpretation of the information provided by either component, or the two are unrelated.
------- Data -------
The training and test datasets are available here: https://sites.google.com/unipi.it/multi-fake-detective/data
----------------------- Important Dates -----------------------
12th - 19th May 2023: evaluation window (started) 30th May 2023: assessment returned to participants 14th June 2023: final reports due to task organizers 10th July 2023: review deadline 25th July 2023: camera ready deadline 7th - 8th September 2023: final workshop in Parma
----------------------- Task Organizers ----------------------- Alessandro Bondielli, Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa Pietro Dell'Oglio, Department of Information Engineering, University of Florence Alessandro Lenci, Department of Philology, Literature, and Linguistics, University of Pisa Francesco Marcelloni, Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa Lucia Passaro, Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa Marco Sabbatini, Department of Philology, Literature, and Linguistics, University of Pisa