[Apologies for multiple postings]


EMNLP 2022 Workshop - The 13th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis (LOUHI 2022)

Colocated with EMNLP 2022, Abu Dhabi (7 December 2022)
but also accessible online

Please, note that this year we use both the ACL Rolling Review (ARR) system and Softconf as paper submission platforms.

ARR Submission deadline: July 15, 2022
Direct submission deadline: 7 September 2022

** Call for Papers **

The 13th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers interested in automated processing of health documents. Health documents encompass textual content of electronic health records, clinical guidelines, spontaneous reports for pharmacovigilance, biomedical literature, health forums/blogs or any other type of health-related documents.

The LOUHI workshop series fosters interactions between the Computational Linguistics, Medical Informatics, and Artificial Intelligence communities. It started in 2008 in Turku, Finland and has been organized 12 times: LOUHI 2010 was co-located with NAACL in Los Angeles, CA; LOUHI 2011 was co-located with Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME) in Bled, Slovenia; LOUHI 2013 was held in Sydney, Australia during NICTA Techfest; LOUHI 2014 was co-located with EACL in Gothenburg, Sweden; LOUHI 2015 was co-located with EMNLP in Lisbon, Portugal; LOUHI 2016 was co-located with EMNLP in Austin, Texas; LOUHI 2017 was held in Sydney, Australia; LOUHI 2018 was co-located with EMNLP in Brussels, Belgium; LOUHI 2019 was co-located with EMNLP-IJCNLP in Hong Kong; LOUHI 2020 was co-located with EMNLP; and LOUHI 2021 was co-located with EACL.

LOUHI 2022 is soliciting papers describing original research. Papers must describe substantial and completed work but could also focus on other contributions, such as a negative result, a software package or work in progress. The topics include, but are not limited to, the following language processing techniques and related areas:

- Techniques supporting information extraction, e.g., named entity recognition, negation and uncertainty detection
- Classification and text mining applications (e.g., diagnostic classifications such as ICD-10 and nursing intensity scores) and problems (e.g., handling of unbalanced data sets)
- Text representation, including dealing with issues of data sparsity and dimensionality
- Domain adaptation, e.g., adaptation of standard NLP tools (incl. tokenizers, PoS-taggers, etc) to the medical domain
- Information fusion, i.e. integrating data from various sources, e.g. structured and narrative documentation
- Unsupervised methods, including distributional semantics
- Evaluation, gold/reference standard construction and annotation
- Syntactic, semantic and pragmatic analysis of health documents
- Anonymization / de-identification of health records and ethics
- Supporting the development of medical terminologies and ontologies
- Individualization of content, consumer health vocabularies, summarization and simplification of text
- NLP for supporting documentation and decision making practices
- Predictive modeling of adverse events, e.g., adverse drug events and hospital acquired infections
- Terminology and information model standards (SNOMED CT, FHIR) for health text mining
- Bridging gaps between formal ontology and biomedical NLP

We welcome submissions on topics related to text mining of health documents, particularly emphasizing multidisciplinary aspects of health documentation and the interplay between nursing and medical sciences, information systems, computational linguistics and computer science. We also encourage submissions reporting work on low-resourced languages, addressing the challenges of data sparsity and language characteristic diversity.

** Important Dates **

ARR submission deadline: July 15, 2022 (via ARR)
Direct submission deadline: 7 September 2022
Notification to authors: October 9, 2022
Camera-ready papers due: October 16, 2022
Workshop: December 7, 2022

** Submission Instructions **

Submissions go through a double-blind review process, where each submission is reviewed by three program committee members. Accepted papers will be presented by the authors in a regular workshop session either as a talk or a poster. All accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings.

The submissions should be in PDF format and anonymized for review. All submissions must be written in English and follow the EMNLP 2022 style guidelines: https://2022.emnlp.org/calls/style-and-formatting/

* Long paper submission: up to 8 pages of content, plus 2 pages for references; final versions of long papers: one additional page (so that reviewers' comments can be taken into account): up to 9 pages with unlimited pages for references
* Short paper submission: up to 4 pages of content, plus 2 pages for references; final version of short papers: up to 5 pages with unlimited pages for references

LOUHI 2022 will accept electronic submission both via ARR and Softconf.

** Invited Speaker **


Workshop Organizers:

Alberto Lavelli (FBK, Trento, Italy)
James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University, USA)
Eben Holderness (Brandeis University, USA)
Antonio Jimeno Yepes (RMIT University, Australia)
Anne-Lyse Minard (University of Orleans, LLL CNRS, France)
Fabio Rinaldi (Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research - IDSIA, Switzerland & FBK, Trento, Italy)

** Programme Committee **


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