[Apologies for multiple postings]

We are happy to announce that the following 28 new speech corpora are available in our catalogue. Moreover, 1 written corpus and 48 speech corpora are now  available at reduced fees.

1. Speech corpora

Corpora for speech recognition purposes recorded in a quiet environment (except for Hindi Mobile and American English also recorded in a noisy environment) available for the following languages (click on the links for details):

 English variants

Spanish variants


2. Reduced fees now available for the following datasets

Written corpus

Wojood - A corpus for nested Arabic Named Entity Recognition

Speech corpora

Corpora for speech recognition purposes for the following languages (click on the links for details):


English variants


Spanish variants

Spain Spanish


For more information on the catalogue or if you would like to enquire about having your resources distributed by ELRA, please contact us.

 Visit the ELRA Catalogue of Language Resources

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