Call for Participation
The 4th Slav-NER Shared Task
Named Entities in Slavic Languages —
Recognition, Normalization, Classification and Cross-Lingual Linking
co-located with Slav-NLP Workshop, EACL 2023
Task Description
*The 4th Slav-NER Shared Task focuses on Named Entities in Slavic languages.*
Due to rich inflection, free word order, derivation, and other phenomena common to the Slavic languages, work on Named Entities poses important challenges. Fostering research & development on the problems of Named Entities — detecting names, lemmatization (normalization), classification, and cross-lingual matching — is crucial for information access and wider use of NLP in Slavic languages.
The 4th Slav-NER Shared Task covers three languages:
* Czech, * Polish, * Russian.
and five types of named entities:
* persons, * locations, * organizations, * events, * products.
For information about training and test data, guidelines, and participation, please see the Shared Task Home Page
*IMPORTANT*: Participants are NOT required to perform all tasks or for all languages. For example, a monolingual entry, without lemmatization of the names, can participate.
The Shared Task focuses on cross-lingual extraction of named entities — the systems should recognize, classify, and extract all mentions of a name in a document; detecting the position of each name mention is NOT required. Name mentions should be lemmatized, and mentions referring to the same real-world object should be linked across documents and languages. The text collection consists of sets of documents retrieved from the Web, each set about a certain major entity or event. The corpus was collected by crawling the Web and parsing the HTML documents.
For background, see the details about the 1st edition (2017) , 2nd edition (2019) and the 3rd edition (2021) of this shared task.
*Teams that wish to participate should register via email to:, with the following information:
* name of team, * team members, * contact person, * contact email.
Important Dates
* Shared task announcement: 11 January 2023 ⇒ *Training Data Released !* * Registration deadline: *06 March 2023* * *Release of Test Data* to registered participants: *07 March 2023* * Submission of system responses: 09 March 2023 * Results announced to participants: 11 March 2023 * Submission of shared task papers: 13 March 2023 * Camera-ready shared task papers: 03 April 2023
Shared task organizers.