Dear colleagues

I am happy to announce that ‘Learner Corpora Research in the Asia Pacific Region’ in Corpora (Vol. 17) is now freely available. I hope you enjoy this collection. 


CK Jung 

(Guest Editor)


Volume 17, Issue Supplement, October, 2022

Learner Corpora Research in the Asia Pacific Region


17(Supplement)pp. 1–3

17(Supplement)pp. 5–22

17(Supplement)pp. 23–42

17(Supplement)pp. 43–60

17(Supplement)pp. 61–77

17(Supplement)pp. 79–97

17(Supplement)pp. 99–117

17(Supplement)pp. 119–133



CK Jung BEng(Hons) Birmingham MSc Warwick EdD Warwick Cert Oxford
Department of English Language and Literature, Incheon National University, South Korea
Vice President | The Korea Association of Primary English Education (KAPEE), South Korea
Vice President | The Korea Association of Secondary English Education (KASEE), South Korea
Director | Institute for Corpus Research, Incheon National University, South Korea (
Editor | Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research, ICR, International (
Deputy Editor | Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics, KASELL, South Korea
Editorial Board | Corpora, Edinburgh University Press, UK
Editorial Board | English Today, Cambridge University Press, UK
E: / T: +82 (0)32 835 8129