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HUrtful HUmour: Detection of humour spreading prejudice in Twitter
The expression of prejudice is the most common strategy used to hurt people of minority groups. In HUHU, our focus is on examining the use of humour to express prejudice towards minorities, specifically analyzing Spanish tweets that are prejudicial towards: Women and feminists, LGBTIQ community, Immigrants and racially discriminated people, and Overweight people.
The HUHU task will be organised at IberLEF-2023 and will be composed of three subtasks:
(i) HUrtful HUmour Detection: The first subtask consists in determining whether a prejudicial tweet is intended to cause humour. Participants will have to distinguish between tweets that using humour express prejudice and tweets that express prejudice without using humour.
(ii) Prejudice Target Detection: In the second subtask participants will be asked to identify the targeted groups on each tweet as a multilabel classification task.
(iii) Degree of Prejudice Prediction: The third subtask consists of predicting on a continuous scale from 1 to 5 to evaluate how prejudicial the message is on average among minority groups.
Important dates Training dataset release: March 21, 2023 Test dataset release: April 18, 2023 Systems results: May 15, 2023 Results notification: May 22, 2023 Working papers submission: June 5, 2023 Working papers (peer-)reviewed: June 19, 2023
More information and registration at: https://sites.google.com/view/huhuatiberlef23/huhu
Organization committee Roberto Labadie Tamayo, Berta Chulvi, Paolo Rosso PRHLT Research Center, Universitat Politècnica de València