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Call for Participation

DETESTS-Dis IberLEF 2024

Task: DETESTS-Dis (DETEction and classification of racial Stereotypes in Spanish – Learning with Disagreement)

This task will take part of IberLEF 2024, the 6th Workshop on Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum at the SEPLN 2024 Conference, which will be held in Valladolid, Spain, on September 24th.


Here, we introduce the second edition of the DETESTS task (Ariza-Casabona, 2022), which was first presented at IberLEF 2022. The aim of the new edition, DETESTS-Dis, is to detect and classify explicit and implicit stereotypes in texts from social media and comments on news articles, incorporating learning with disagreement techniques. Next, a description of both subtasks is provided:

Although we recommend participating in both subtasks, participants are allowed to participate just in one of them (e.g., subtask 1).

Teams will be allowed (and encouraged) to submit multiple runs (max. 5).

To avoid any conflict with the sources of the comments regarding their intellectual property rights (IPR), the data will be sent privately to each participant who is interested in the task. The corpus will only be made available for research purposes.

Important dates (All deadlines are 11:59 PM UTC-12:00):

Training dataset release: March 04, 2024

Test dataset release: April 15, 2024

Systems results: April 29, 2024

Results notification: May 13, 2024

Working papers submission: June 3, 2024

Working papers (peer-)reviewed: June 17, 2024

Camera-ready versions: July 4, 2024

Workshop: September 24, 2024

Task organizers:


Contact the organizers by writing to:

Web page:

We invite participants to join our Google Groups to be kept up to date with the latest news related to the task.