GURT/SyntaxFest 2023 - CxGs+NLP, Depling, TLT, UDW
Georgetown University Round Table on Linguistics & SyntaxFest
Theme: Computational and Corpus Linguistics
Workshops: CxGs+NLP, Depling, TLT, UDW
Location: Washington, DC
Date: March 9-12, 2023
The Georgetown University Round Table on Linguistics (GURT) is a peer-reviewed annual linguistics conference held continuously since 1949 at Georgetown University in Washington DC, with topics and co-located events varying from year to year.
Under an overarching theme of ‘Computational and Corpus Linguistics’, GURT 2023 will consist of four workshops focused on computational and corpus approaches to syntax: a new workshop on CxGs+NLP, and three returning SyntaxFest workshops, Depling, TLT, and UDW. Talks will take place in plenary sessions to promote cross-fertilization of ideas across subcommunities. �
Proceedings will be published in the ACL Anthology.
New Workshop:
* Construction Grammars and NLP (CxGs+NLP)
Returning SyntaxFest events:
* Depling - International Conference on Dependency Linguistics * TLT - Treebanks and Linguistic Theories * UDW - Universal Dependencies Workshop
Keynote speakers:
* Guy Perrier * Joan Bresnan * Joakim Nivre * Jonathan Dunn
The detailed conference program is now online here:
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GURT/SyntaxFest is an in-person event with a modest registration fee. For a discounted rate, register by Feb. 28 at
We look forward to seeing you in Washington DC!
The GURT organizers