3rd (Online) Workshop on Threat, Aggression and Cyberbullying (TRAC - 2022)
Co-located with COLING 2022, October 17, 2022
Gyeongju, the Republic of Korea

Third Call for Papers and Deadline Extension

Workshop Website: https://sites.google.com/view/trac2022/home
Paper Submission: https://www.softconf.com/coling2022/TRAC-2022/

Submission Deadline: July 25, 2022 (Regular) / July 31, 2022 (ACL ARR)

As in the earlier editions of the workshop, TRAC-2022 will focus on the applications of NLP, ML and pragmatic studies on aggression and impoliteness to tackle these issues.  We invite long (8 pages) and short papers (4 pages) as well as position papers and opinion pieces (5 - 20 pages), demo proposals and non-archival extended abstracts (2 pages) based on, but not limited to, any of the following themes from academic researchers, industry and any other group / team working in the area.
For any clarifications, contact coling.aggression@gmail.com.

Looking forward to your participation!