Hi all,

I have a postdoc job to share, see below.  Thank you for sharing the offer in potentially interested circles.



Post doc job(s) available for text and data mining and social history / sustainability transitions.

The project “The Crisis and Transformation of Industrial Modernity, 1900-2055”, is a five-year project at the University of Tartu. It is based on the Deep Transitions framework which theorizes industrialization as a long-term co-evolution of various socio-technical systems.  

Website: https://www.deeptransitions.ut.ee/.
Job description: https://www.deeptransitions.ut.ee/jobs/
Job call PDF: http://tiny.cc/dt_postdoc_call_2024

1,5 FTE available for jobs. Some flexibility in workload and work location based on the exact focus. Contact laur.kanger@ut.ee for more details.