Call for Participation: The Workshop on Holocaust Testimonies as Language Resources

Date: 21 May 2024 (full day)

Venue: Lingotto Conference Centre, Turin, Italy
Webpage and programme:

Registration is obligatory and can be carried out via the LREC-COLING 2024 website:

Workshop description
Holocaust testimonies serve as a bridge between survivors and history’s darkest chapters, providing a connection to the profound experiences of the past. Testimonies stand as the primary source of information that describe the Holocaust, offering first-hand accounts and personal narratives of those who experienced it. The majority of testimonies are captured in an oral format, as survivors vividly explain and share their personal experiences and observations from that time period. Transforming Holocaust testimonies into a machine-processable digital format can be a difficult task owing to the unstructured nature of the text. The creation of accessible, comprehensive, and well-annotated Holocaust testimony collections is of paramount importance to our society. These collections empower researchers and historians to validate the accuracy of socially and historically significant information, enabling them to share critical insights and trends derived from these data. This workshop will investigate a number of ways in which techniques and tools from natural language processing and corpus linguistics can contribute to the exploration, analysis, dissemination and preservation of Holocaust testimonies.

Please refer to the website for the details of the programme:
Contact Email:

Invited speakers
Silvia Calamai (Siena University)
Michal Frankl (Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences)

Organising Committee
Isuri Anuradha, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Ingo Frommholz, University of Wolverhampton
Francesca Frontini, CNR-ILC, Italy & CLARIN
Martin Wynne, Oxford University, UK
Ruslan Mitkov, Lancaster University, UK
Paul Rayson, Lancaster University, UK
Alistair Plum, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg