(apologies for cross-postings)

CRAC 2022, the 5th Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference, held at COLING 2022 on October 16–17, in Gyeongju, Republic of Korea (in hybrid mode) has a new date for sending papers: July 30, 2022.


You are welcome to send a paper:

·        on any topic related to anaphora, reference, coreference

·        in several categories (research paper, survey paper, position paper, challenge paper, demo paper, extended abstract)

Please find all other important information on the CRAC 2022 website.

See you at CRAC 2022!

Maciej Ogrodniczuk
(on behalf of all organizers: Vincent Ng, Sameer Pradhan, Anna Nedoluzhko and Massimo Poesio)