Event Notification Type: Test set released.

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/iberautextification





Automated Text Identification on Languages of the Iberian Peninsula


Dear All,


The test dataset for the IberAuTexTification 2024 shared task has been released. It can be found on the shared task website (https://sites.google.com/view/iberautextification/data), in Genaios Github repository (https://github.com/Genaios/IberAuTexTification)  and Zenodo (https://zenodo.org/records/11034382).


Please, remember that registration is on a per-team basis, meaning only one member from each team needs to sign up. Once requested the test dataset on one of the previous links, you will receive the download permission and a password to decompress the data within 24 hours. Please, make sure to write your email address correctly, since we will send passwords, as well as future notifications to that address.


Please reach out to the organizers or join the Slack workspace to connect with the other participants and organizers.


Best regards on behalf of

IberAuTexTification shared tasks organizers