[Apologies for multiple submissions]
Submission deadline EXTENDED to APRIL 09!
Papers will be published in the ICWSM Workshop Proceedings. Long Papers are welcome, but
also Short Papers and Abstracts are great for discussing ongoing work.
Call for Papers
TrueHealth 2023: Combating Health Misinformation for Social Wellbeing
Workshop @ ICWSM 2023, the 17th International Conference on Web and Social Media
June 5th – 8th 2023, Limassol, Cyprus
Scope and topics
In recent years, people have increasingly referred to the Web and social media as sources
of information about health-related problems and solutions, as confirmed by the U.S. Pew
Research Center, and other European and international studies. Although, on the one hand,
these platforms favor easier and more direct access to information sources by users
without the intermediation of experts, on the other hand, it is precisely such
democratization of health information that constitutes a potential danger for people. As
we have seen especially in the last period, linked to the pandemic, the proliferation of
false information, conspiracy theories, and unreliable remedies risk compromising the
health not only of individuals but that of the community as a whole.
From this perspective, it becomes necessary to study and propose technological solutions
to help users come into contact with genuine information, especially in a critical domain
such as health, for social well-being.
To this end, it is essential to promote research of an interdisciplinary nature, involving
computer scientists, physicians, lawyers, and communication experts who can address the
problem of health misinformation from different points of view by combining their
The topics of interest of the TrueHealth 2023 Workshop at ICWSM include, but are not
limited to:
Assessing the genuineness of Online Health Information (OHI);
Consumer Health Search (CHS) and genuine information access;
Debunking health misinformation;
Fake news/rumors and healthcare;
Measures, evaluation methods, and datasets for health misinformation detection;
Health misinformation detection;
Health literacy and information genuineness;
Fact-checking in Online Health Information (OHI);
Misinformation and public opinion on health;
Relationship between access to non-genuine information and danger to public health;
Relationship between psychological characteristics and perceptions of health
Techniques for accessing and retrieving genuine Online Health Information (OHI).
Submission Instructions
We welcome both 2-page abstracts, as well as Long (8 pages) and Short (4 pages) papers –
excluding references (11 pages max with references and ethics statement). Abstracts are
ideal as Demo or Position papers, Short papers as presentations of ongoing research with
preliminary results or summaries of previous work, and Long papers as presentations of
novel research and results.
Long and Short papers will be published in ICWSM Workshop Proceedings
All submissions should be double-blind.
Papers have to follow the AAAI format, as outlined here:
Submit here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=truehealth2023
Other ICWSM submission instructions:
Important Dates
Workshop Papers Submissions: April 09, 2023
Workshop Paper Acceptance Notification:April 23, 2023
Workshop Final Camera-Ready Paper Due: May 5, 2023
ICWSM-2023 Workshops Day: June 5, 2023
Gabriella Pasi (Full Professor), University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Rishabh Upadhyay (Research Fellow), University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Marco Viviani (Associate Professor), University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Program Committee
Lorraine Goeuriot, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
Sanda Harabagiu, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Liadh Kelly, Maynooth University, Ireland
Dongwon Lee, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Yelena Mejova, ISI Foundation, Italy
Marinella Petrocchi, Institute of Informatics and Telematics (CNR), Italy
Michael Sirivianos, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Xingyi Song, University of Sheffield, UK
Hanna Suominen, Australian National University, Australia
Francesca Spazzano, Boise State University, USA
Angelo Spognardi, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Bei Yu, Syracuse University, USA
Arkaitz Zubiaga, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Dear colleagues,
I share with you this announcement for a position as a post-doc on behalf of Corinne Rossari. An excellent knowledge of French is mandatory.
Best wishes,
Francesca Dell’Oro
[Université de Neuchâtel]<https://www.unine.ch/>[Facebook]<https://www.facebook.com/UniNeuchatel>[Instagram]<https://www.instagram.com/unineuchatel/>[Twitter]<https://twitter.com/unineuchatel>[Youtube]<https://www.youtube.com/user/uninepromotion>[LinkedIn]<https://www.linkedin.com/edu/school?id=10933&trk=edu-hp-follow-name> Francesca Dell'Oro
Professeure assistante
Institut des Sciences du Langage
Université de Neuchâtel
Bureau 106
Pierre-à-Mazel 7
CH-2000 Neuchâtel
Tél. +41 32 718 1674
en linguistique française
Exigences :
Doctorat (PhD), bonnes connaissances des plateformes d’exploitation de corpus, des méthodes et outils statistiques appliqués à la linguistique ou à l’analyse du discours, excellentes compétences en français (pour les non natifs). Aptitude à travailler en équipe.
Tâches :
Responsabilité d’un séminaire sur la linguistique de corpus sur un semestre et soutien aux activités de recherche et d’enseignement de la chaire de linguistique française.
Encadrement des étudiant.es<http://xn--tudiant-9xa.es> ; participation aux activités scientifiques de l’équipe de recherche en linguistique française (activités de formation doctorale, présentations scientifiques, publications, etc.) ; participation à des colloques et réunions scientifiques ; participation aux activités de la SciLAC (réunions, cycle de conférences) ; travail sur des corpus.
Un cadre de travail stimulant au sein d'une équipe dynamique, des collaborations internationales et des horaires flexibles.
Rémunération : Légale (CHF 45'187.- pour un poste à 50%, avec augmentation annuelle)
Entrée en fonction :
1 août 2023 ou à convenir.
Durée :
L'assistant(e) post-doctorant(e) est nommé(e) jusqu'au 31 juillet 2024. Le contrat est renouvelable à deux reprises (durée maximum 36 mois).
Le dossier de candidature contiendra une lettre de motivation, un curriculum vitae avec la liste et les notes des cours/séminaires suivis à l'Université, une copie du diplôme de doctorat et des rapports des expert.es.sur la thèse. Prière d'envoyer le dossier en format pdf à Madame la professeure Corinne Rossari, corinne.rossari(a)unine.ch<mailto:corinne.rossari@unine.ch>, jusqu'au 1er mai 2023 à l'adresse suivante : Secretariat.ISLA(a)unine.ch<mailto:Secretariat.ISLA@unine.ch>.
Pour plus de renseignements veuillez contacter Mme Corinne Rossari à l'adresse e-mail indiquée ci-dessus.
Soucieuse de promouvoir la diversité au sein de son personnel, l’Université de Neuchâtel s’engage à offrir des conditions de travail non discriminatoires.
Shared Task on Speaker Attribution in Newswire and Parliamentary Debates
As previously announced, a new shared task on Speaker Attribution in
German political discourse is taking place this spring and summer under
the auspices of the GermEval Campaign. The goal of our shared task is
the identification of speakers in political debates as well as in news
articles, and the attribution of speech events to their respective
speakers. Being able to identify this information automatically, i.e.,
identifying who says what to whom, is a necessary prerequisite for a
deep semantic analysis of unstructured text.
Training and development data for Task 1, which focuses on speeches from
the German Bundestag, has now been released on github
Training and development data for Task 2, which focuses on speech in
German news articles, has now been released on github
For more details about the shared task, including the task settings,
datasets, evaluation metrics and link to the *registration* form, please
visit the shared task website at CodaLab
<https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/10431>. The SpkAtt-2023
shared task is partially supported by the German Society for
Computational Linguistics and endorsed by two of its Special Interest
Groups, CPSS <https://gscl.org/activities/politicssocialsciences/> and
IGGSA <https://sites.google.com/site/iggsahome>.
The workshop for the shared task will be held as part of the Conference
for Natural Language Processing (KONVENS
<https://www.thi.de/konvens-2023/> 2023) in Ingolstadt, Germany, in Sep
Important Dates
April 1, 2023 - *Training and development data release* 🗸
June 15, 2023 - Test data release (blind)
July 1, 2023 - Submissions open
July 31, 2023 - Submissions close
August 14, 2023 - System descriptions due
September 7, 2023 - Camera-ready system paper deadline
September 18-22, 2023 - Workshop at KONVENS 2023
Organizing team
Ines Rehbein, Simone Ponzetto (U-Mannheim)
Fynn Petersen-Frey, Chris Biemann (U-Hamburg)
Josef Ruppenhofer, Annelen Brunner (IDS Mannheim)
fynn.petersen-frey at uni-hamburg.de, rehbein at uni-mannheim.de
*** Fourth Call for Papers ***
19th IEEE eScience Conference (eScience 2023)
October 9-13, 2023, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus
eScience 2023 provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, developers, and users of
eScience applications and enabling IT technologies. Its objective is to promote and encourage
all aspects of eScience and its associated technologies, applications, algorithms, and tools,
with a strong focus on practical solutions and open challenges. The conference welcomes
conceptualization, implementation, and experience contributions enabling and driving
innovation in data- and compute-intensive research across all disciplines, from the physical
and biological sciences to the social sciences, arts, and humanities; encompassing artificial
intelligence and machine learning methods; and targeting a broad spectrum of architectures,
including HPC, Cloud, and IoT.
The overarching theme of the eScience 2023 conference is “open eScience”. This year, the
conference is promoting four additional key topics:
• Computational Science for sustainable development
• Research Infrastructures for eScience
• Continuum Computing: Convergence between Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
The conference is soliciting two types of contributions:
• Full papers (10 pages) presenting previously unpublished research achievements or
eScience experiences and solutions
• Posters (2 pages) showcasing early-stage results and innovations
Submitted papers should use the IEEE 8.5×11 manuscript guidelines: double-column text
using single-spaced 10-point font on 8.5×11-inch pages. Templates are available from
http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html .
Submissions should be made via the Easy Chair system using the submission link:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=escience2023 .
All submissions will be single-blind peer reviewed. Selected full papers will receive a slot for
an oral presentation. Accepted posters will be presented during a poster reception. Accepted
full papers and poster papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Rejected full
papers can be re-submitted for a poster presentation. At least one author of each accepted
paper or poster must register as an author at the full registration rate. Each author registration
can be applied to only one accepted submission.
eScience 2023 will host the following awards, which will be announced at the conference.
• Best Paper Award
• Best Student Paper Award
• Best Poster Award
• Best Student Poster Award
• Outstanding Early Career Contribution – this award is associated with poster submissions
and short presentations of attendees in their early career phase (i.e., postdoctoral researchers
and junior scientists).
• Paper Submissions Due: Friday, May 26, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Paper Acceptance: Friday, June 30, 2023
• Poster Submissions due: Friday, July 7, 2023 (AoE)
• Poster Acceptance Notification: Monday, July 24, 2023
• All Camera-ready Submissions due: Monday, August 14, 2023
• Author Registration Deadline: Monday, August 14, 2023
General Chair
• George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Technical Program Co-Chairs
• Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
• Rosa Filgueira, University of St Andrews, UK
Organisation Committee
Steering Committee
Email contact: Technical-Program(a)eScience-conference.org
Dear Colleagues,
You are invited to submit your paper to our Special Issue "Artificial
Intelligence and Smart Technologies for Achieving Sustainable Goals
In this Special Issue, we invite papers that explore the potential of AI
and smart technologies for sustainable development. We are particularly
interested in papers that describe applications of these technologies that
have the potential to make a real difference to the achievement of SDGs. We
welcome papers from all sectors, including academia, industry, government,
and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Applications of AI and smart technologies in sustainable development;
- The potential of AI and smart technologies to help achieve the SDGs;
- Barriers and challenges to the use of AI and smart technologies for
sustainable development;
- Future directions for the use of AI and smart technologies in
sustainable development;
- Ethical considerations in the use of AI and smart technologies for
sustainable development;
- The role of AI and smart technologies in sustainable development
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently
under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers will be
thoroughly refereed through a single-blind peer-review process. A guide for
authors and other relevant information for submission of manuscripts is
available on the Instructions for Authors page.
*Guest Editors*
Prof. Dr. Hend Al-Khalifa
Dr. Heyam Al-Baity
Dr. Duaa AlSaeed
11^th Workshop on the Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC)
The next meeting of CMLC will be held as part ofCorpus Linguistics 2023
<https://wp.lancs.ac.uk/cl2023/> in Lancaster, UK, on the 2^nd of July,
See https://corpora.ids-mannheim.de/cmlc-2023.html for up-to-date
Important dates
* Deadline for abstract submission: the 27^th of April 2023 (Thursday,
23:59 UTC)
* Notification of acceptance: the 11^th of May 2023 (Thursday)
* Deadline for the submission of camera-ready papers: the 4^th of June
2023 (Sunday)
* Meeting: Sunday, the 2^nd of July 2023 (room/hour TBA)
Abstract submission
* We invite anonymised extended abstracts for/oral presentations/on
the topics listed below (/ideally/using theACL-2023 templates
<https://2023.aclweb.org/calls/style_and_formatting/>, or PDF,
1000-1500 words excluding references, font preferably 11 pt, line
spacing 1.5).
* CMLC has always reserved a track for national corpus project
reports, and to this end, we invite/poster proposals/of 500-750
words. National project reports need not be anonymised.
Submissions are accepted through the EasyChair submission system,
Please note that each CMLC event produces a volume of proceedings
(published in Open Access before the meeting), where both oral and
poster contributions have equal status./All/final submissions to the
2023 proceedings volume will be expected to be formatted according to
theACLPUB guidelines
<https://acl-org.github.io/ACLPUB/formatting.html>and to pass
theaclpubcheck <https://github.com/acl-org/aclpubcheck>.
Workshop description
The upcoming CMLC meeting continues the successful series of “Challenges
in the management of large corpora” events, previously hosted at LREC
(since 2012) and CL (since 2015) conferences. As in the previous
meetings, we wish to explore common areas of interest across a range of
issues in language resource management, corpus linguistics, natural
language processing, and data science.
Large textual datasets require careful design, collection, cleaning,
encoding, annotation, storage, retrieval, and curation to be of use for
a wide range of research questions and to users across a number of
disciplines. A growing number of national and other very large corpora
are being made available, many historical archives are being digitised,
numerous publishing houses are opening their textual assets for text
mining, and many billions of words can be quickly sourced from the web
and online social media.
A number of key themes and questions emerge of interest to the
contributing research communities: (a) what can be done to deal with IPR
and data protection issues? (b) what sampling techniques can we apply?
(c) what quality issues should we be aware of? (d) what infrastructures
and frameworks are being developed for the efficient storage,
annotation, analysis and retrieval of large datasets? (e) what
affordances do visualisation techniques offer for the exploratory
analysis approaches of corpora? (f) what kinds of APIs or other means of
access would make the corpus data as widely usable as possible without
interfering with legal restrictions? (g) how to guarantee that corpus
data remain available and usable in a sustainable way?
Motivation and topics of interest
This year’s event will cover the entire range of the standard CMLC
themes, with some new additions:
New and hot topics
o Language Models
+ What linguistic insights can we gain by post-hoc language
model analysis in the age of ChatGPT?
+ How can we avoid the proliferation of stereotypes in terms
of both linguistic surface form and content when using
language models for linguistic analysis?
o Societal and legal issues relevant for corpora and studies
+ political and sociological balance ○ social media bubbles,
hate speech and fake news
+ proliferation of stereotypes via corpora and language models
+ corpora as archives of the past: evolution in mentalities or
laws, personality rights
o How to make corpora as accessible as possible despite big data
issues, application heterogeneity, and IPR issues
+ What are the most interesting APIs and libraries to build,
analyse and access very large corpora?
+ How can we get us researchers to use existing research
tools, infrastructures, libraries and APIs in research and
Linguistic content challenges
o Dealing with the variety of language resources: multilinguality,
historical texts, noisy OCR texts, user-generated content, etc.
o Integration of human computation (crowdsourcing) and automatic
o Quality management of annotations
Technical challenges
o Storage and retrieval solutions for big textual data corpora:
primary data, metadata, and annotation data
o Scalable and efficient NLP tooling for annotating and analysing
large datasets: distributed and GPGPU computing; using big data
analysis frameworks for language processing
o Dealing with streaming (e.g. Social Media) and rapidly changing
underlying data
Exploitation challenges
o Legal and privacy issues
o Query languages, data models, and standardisation
o Licensing models of open and closed data, coping with
intellectual property restrictions
o Innovative approaches for aggregation and visualisation of text
In the tradition of CMLC, we invite reports on national corpus
initiatives; submitters of these reports should be prepared to present a
poster along with a short presentation.
Programme Committee: TBA
Names will be added as Programme Committee members confirm their
Organising Committee
Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim
📩 Piotr Bański,Marc Kupietz,Harald Lüngen
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences
📩 Adrien Barbaresi
Institute of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich
Simon Clematide
CMLC series homepage is located athttp://corpora.ids-mannheim.de/cmlc.html
Piotr Bański, Ph.D.
Senior Researcher,
Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache,
R5 6-13
68-161 Mannheim, Germany
Dear all,
We are proud to announce our first biomedical language model for French called DrBERT. It's now available on HuggingFace and Arxiv ( [ https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.00958 | https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.00958 ] ).
You can now use the model on your own documents and get state-of-the-art performances in only 3 lines of code.
Check out the:
- Project website: [ https://drbert.univ-avignon.fr/ | https://drbert.univ-avignon.fr/ ]
- Hugging Face models: [ https://huggingface.co/Dr-BERT | https://huggingface.co/Dr-BERT ]
Our model was trained on 128 GPU from Jean-Zay Supercomputer and assessed on 11 distinct practical biomedical tasks for French language, which came from public and private data. These tasks include : Named Entity Recognition (NER), Part-Of-Speech tagging (POS), binary/multi-class/multi-label classification, and multiple-choice question answering. The outcomes revealed that DrBERT enhanced the performance of most tasks compared to prior techniques, indicating that from-scratch pre-trained strategy is still the most effective for BERT language models on French Biomedical.
Tutorials about biomedical natural language processing are coming soon, stay tuned !!
With Yanis Labrak (LIA / Zenidoc), Adrien Bazoge (LS2N), Richard Dufour (LS2N), Mickael Rouvier (LIA), Emmanuel Morin (LS2N), Béatrice Daille (LS2N) and Pierre-Antoine Gourraud (Nantes University / CHU Nantes).
Best regards.
*** Last Call for Special Session Proposals ***
10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC 2023)
October 30 - November 1, 2023, 5* Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC) is a major
international forum that brings together academic researchers and industry practitioners from
artificial intelligence, computational social sciences, natural language processing, business
and marketing, and behavioural and psychological sciences to present updated research
efforts and progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics of BESC,
exchange new ideas and identify future research directions.
The BESC series of conferences are technically sponsored by IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and
Cybernetics) Society as well as IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) and the
proceedings are published by IEEE
The Organizing Committee invites proposals for Special Sessions that cover any topic related
to BESC. Special Sessions can also cover any other area focusing on challenging open problems
of relevance in applications on Behavioural, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing.
Papers accepted in the Special Sessions will be included in the same conference volume with
those accepted in the main track and will be candidates for being invited to the journal special
issues that will be organised for BESC 2023.
The proposals for organising Special Sessions should be submitted to the Special Sessions
Chairs by the indicated deadline. A proposal should be submitted in PDF, be no longer than 2
pages in length, and contain the following:
(i) Title of the proposed Special Session.
(ii) Names, affiliations and contact information of the proposers.
(iii) Names and affiliations of the Program Committee of the proposed Special Session.
(iv) Description of the proposed Special Session, including the covered topics and the rationale
as to why it fits into the themes of BESC.
(v) A dissemination plan of the CFP for the proposed Special Session that the proposers will
undertake, if their proposal is accepted.
E-mails for submission of Special Session Proposals:
taotao.cai AT usq.edu.au / yuting AT zhejianglab.com
• Submission of Special Session proposals: 10 April 2023
• Acceptance notification for Special Session proposals: 15 April 2023
Steering Committee Chair
• Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Ji Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Special Session Chairs
• Taotao Cai, University of Southern Queensland, Australia (taotao.cai AT usq.edu.au)
• Ting Yu, Zhejiang Lab, China (yuting AT zhejianglab.com)
Doctoral Symposium Chair
• Barbara Caci, University of Palermo, Italy
Panel and Tutorial Chair
• Philippe Fournier-Viger, Shenzhen University, China
Proceedings Chair
• Md Rafiqul Islam, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Publicity Chairs
• Chandan Gautam, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
• Thanveer Shaik, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Sanjay Sonbhadra, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India
• Shiqing Wu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
**** We apologize for the multiple copies of this email ****
The Hitz Center for Language Technology (www.hitz.eus
<http://www.hitz.eus>) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
invites applications for several funded positions in Natural Language
and Speech Processing.
The center has received funding for several ambitious projects, and is
offering five PhD positions and six positions for researchers, both pre-
and post-doctoral. Characteristics such as duration, starting date or
stipend depends on each specific position. The list of the current open
positions can be found here:
https://www.hitz.eus/job-offers <https://www.hitz.eus/job-offers>
HiTZ Basque Center for Language Technology is a center of reference for
Language Technologies. It is a leader in research in Spain and holds a
National Research Award in Computer Science and one of the 15 fellows
that the main research association in the area (Association for
Computational Linguistics) has in Europe, as well as the best PhD thesis
award in Artificial Intelligence in Europe (EurAI 2020).
The University of the Basque Country is the leading teaching and
research institution in the Basque Country, a prosperous region
stretching along the Atlantic coast of northern Spain. The UPV/EHU is
among the best 400 universities in the world according to the Shanghai
ranking, and has been recognized as an International Excellence Campus
by the Spanish Government. The University of the Basque Country, a
vibrant 30-year-old institution with 45,000 students, 5,000 world-class
academic staff and state-of-the-art facilities distributed across 20
centers at its three campuses.
You can find more information here:
https://www.hitz.eus/en/recruitment <https://www.hitz.eus/en/recruitment>
The 24th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and
Dialogue (SIGDIAL) and the 16th International Natural Language Generation
Conference (INLG) will be held jointly in Prague on September 11-15, 2023.
The SIGDIAL venue provides a regular forum for the presentation of cutting
edge research in dialogue and discourse to both academic and industry
researchers, continuing a series of 23 successful previous meetings. The
conference is sponsored by the SIGDIAL organization - the Special Interest
Group in Discourse and Dialogue for ACL and ISCA.
Topics of Interest
We welcome formal, corpus-based, implementation, experimental, or
analytical work on discourse and dialogue including, but not restricted to,
the following themes:
* Discourse Processing: Rhetorical and coherence relations, discourse
parsing and discourse connectives. Reference resolution. Event
representation and causality in narrative. Argument mining. Quality and
style in text. Cross-lingual discourse analysis. Discourse issues in
applications such as machine translation, text summarization, essay
grading, question answering and information retrieval. Discourse issues in
text generated by large language models.
* Dialogue Systems: Task oriented and open domain spoken, multi-modal,
embedded, situated, and text-based dialogue systems, their components,
evaluation and applications, Knowledge representation and extraction for
dialogue, State representation, tracking and policy learning. Social and
emotional intelligence, Dialogue issues in virtual reality and human-robot
interaction. Entrainment, alignment and priming. Generation for dialogue,
Style, voice, and personality. Safety and ethics issues in Dialogue.
* Corpora, Tools and Methodology: Corpus-based and experimental work on
discourse and dialogue, including supporting topics such as annotation
tools and schemes, crowdsourcing, evaluation methodology and corpora.
* Pragmatic and Semantic Modeling: Pragmatics and semantics of
conversations(i.e., beyond a single sentence), e.g., rational speech act,
conversation acts, intentions, conversational implicature, presuppositions.
* Applications of Dialogue and Discourse Processing Technology.
The program committee welcomes the submission of long papers, short papers,
and demo descriptions. Submitted long papers may be accepted for oral or
for poster presentation. Accepted short papers will be presented as posters.
* Long paper submissions must describe substantial, original, completed
and unpublished work. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and
analysis should be included. Long papers must be no longer than 8 pages,
including title, text, figures and tables. An unlimited number of pages is
allowed for references. Two additional pages are allowed for appendices
containing sample discourses/dialogues and algorithms, and an extra page is
allowed in the final version to address reviewers’ comments.
* Short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work.
Please note that a short paper is not a shortened long paper. Instead short
papers should have a point that can be made in a few pages, such as a
small, focused contribution; a negative result; or an interesting
application nugget. Short papers should be no longer than 4 pages including
title, text, figures and tables. An unlimited number of pages is allowed
for references. One additional page is allowed for sample
discourses/dialogues and algorithms, and an extra page is allowed in the
final version to address reviewers’ comments.
* Demo descriptions should be no longer than 4 pages including title,
text, examples, figures, tables and references. A separate one-page
document should be provided to the program co-chairs for demo descriptions,
specifying furniture and equipment needed for the demo.
Authors are encouraged to also submit additional accompanying materials,
such as corpora (or corpus examples), demo code, videos and sound files.
Multiple Submissions
SIGDIAL 2023 cannot accept work for publication or presentation that will
be (or has been) published elsewhere and that has been or will be submitted
to other meetings or publications whose review periods overlap with that of
SIGDIAL. Overlap with the SIGDIAL workshop submissions is permitted for
non-archived workshop proceedings. Any questions regarding submissions can
be sent to program-chairs [at] sigdial.org.
Blind Review
Building on previous years’ move to anonymous long and short paper
submissions, SIGDIAL 2023 will follow the ACL policies for preserving the
integrity of double blind review (see author guidelines
Unlike long and short papers, demo descriptions will not be anonymous. Demo
descriptions should include the authors’ names and affiliations, and
self-references are allowed.
Submission Format
All long, short, and demonstration submissions must follow the two-column
ACL format, which are available as an Overleaf template
<https://www.overleaf.com/read/crtcwgxzjskr> and also downloadable directly
<https://github.com/acl-org/acl-style-files> (Latex and Word)
Submissions must conform to the official ACL style guidelines, which are
contained in these templates. Submissions must be electronic, in PDF format.
Submission Deadline
SIGDIAL will accept regular submissions through the Softconf/START
<https://softconf.com/n/sigdial2023/> system, as well as the commitment of
already reviewed papers through the ACL Rolling Review (ARR) system.
Regular submission
Authors have to fill in the submission form in the Softconf/START
<https://softconf.com/n/sigdial2023/> system and upload an initial pdf of
their papers before May 15, 2023 (23:59 GMT-11).
Submission via ACL Rolling Review (ARR) <https://aclrollingreview.org/>
Please refer to the ARR Call for Papers <https://aclrollingreview.org/cfp>
for detailed information about submission guidelines to ARR. The commitment
deadline for authors to submit their reviewed papers, reviews, and
meta-review to SIGDIAL 2023 is June 19, 2023. Note that the paper needs to
be fully reviewed by ARR in order to make a commitment, thus the latest
date for ARR submission will be April 15, 2023.
Acceptable submissions that require language (English) or organizational
assistance will be flagged for mentoring, and accepted with a
recommendation to revise with the help of a mentor. An experienced mentor
who has previously published in the SIGDIAL venue will then help the
authors of these flagged papers prepare their submissions for publication.
Best Paper Awards
In order to recognize significant advancements in dialogue/discourse
science and technology, SIGDIAL 2023 will include best paper awards. All
papers at the conference are eligible for the best paper awards. A
selection committee consisting of prominent researchers in the fields of
interest will select the recipients of the awards.
SIGDIAL 2023 Program Committee
Svetlana Stoyanchev and Shafiq Rayhan Joty
Conference Website: https://2023.sigdial.org/