*** Third Call for Papers – DEADLINES UPDATED ***
We invite paper submissions to the 9th Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH), which will take place on July 31/August 1 at ACL 2025.
Website: https://www.workshopononlineabuse.com/cfp.html
Important Dates
* Submission due: April 18, 2025
* ARR reviewed submission due: May 20, 2025
* Notification of acceptance: May 30, 2025
* Camera-ready papers due: June 13, 2025
* Workshop: July 31st - August 1st, 2025
Digital technologies have brought significant benefits to society, transforming how people connect, communicate, and interact. However, these same technologies have also enabled the widespread dissemination and amplification of abusive and harmful content, such as hate speech, harassment, and misinformation. Given the sheer volume of content shared online, addressing abuse and harm at scale requires the use of computational tools. Yet, detecting and moderating online abuse remains a complex task, fraught with technical, social, legal, and ethical challenges.
The 9th Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH) invites paper submissions from a diverse range of fields, including but not limited to natural language processing, machine learning, computational social science, law, political science, psychology, sociology, and cultural studies. We explicitly encourage interdisciplinary research, technical and non-technical contributions, and submissions that focus on under-resourced languages. Non-archival papers and civil society reports are also welcome.
Topics covered by WOAH include, but are not limited to:
* New models or methods for detecting abusive and harmful online content, including misinformation;
* Biases and limitations in existing detection models or datasets for abusive and harmful content, especially those in commercial use;
* Development of new datasets and taxonomies for online abuse and harms;
* Novel evaluation metrics and procedures for detecting harmful content;
* Analyses of the dynamics of online abuse, its propagation, and its impact on different communities;
* Social, legal, and ethical considerations in detecting, monitoring, and moderating online abuse.
Special Theme: Harms Beyond Hate Speech
In its 9th edition, WOAH highlights the theme Harms Beyond Hate Speech. We aim to expand the conversation beyond conventional definitions of harmful content by exploring the nuanced ways online harms manifest—such as technologically mediated inauthentic behavior, the power of technologies to reshape perceptions and opinions, and their potential to incite discrimination, hostility, violence, or even genocide. Additionally, we emphasize the diverse targets affected by such harms and the unique considerations computational interventions demand.
To facilitate this exploration, we invite NLP researchers, social scientists, cultural scholars, and practitioners to engage with key issues, including child sexual abuse material, radicalization, misinformation, platform policies, security, and the politics of computational approaches. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, our goal is to deepen understanding of these complex phenomena and advance effective, ethical solutions
Submission is electronic, using the Softconf START conference management system.
Submission link: https://softconf.com/acl2025/woah2025/
The workshop will accept three types of papers:
1) Academic Papers (long and short): Long papers of up to 8 pages, excluding references, and short papers of up to 4 pages, excluding references. Unlimited pages for references and appendices. Accepted papers will be given an additional page of content to address reviewer comments. Previously published papers cannot be accepted.
2) Non-Archival Submissions: Up to 2 pages, excluding references, to summarise and showcase in-progress work and work published elsewhere.
3) Civil Society Reports: Non-archival submissions, with a minimum of 2 pages and no upper limit. Can include work published elsewhere.
All submissions must use the official ACL style files<https://github.com/acl-org/acl-style-files>. Submissions that do not conform to the required styles, including paper size, margin width, and font size restrictions, will be rejected without review. All submissions should adhere to the workshop policies https://www.workshopononlineabuse.com/policies.html.
WOAH Community
We are excited to share the WOAH community Slack channel — a workspace for researchers interested in or working on understanding and addressing online abuse and harms!
Join us here: https://join.slack.com/t/hatespeechdet-47d7560/shared_invite/zt-2a8d96j4z-g…
Contact Info
Please send any questions about the workshop to organizers(a)workshopononlineabuse.com<mailto:organizers@workshopononlineabuse.com>
Agostina Calabrese, University of Edinburgh
Christine de Kock, University of Melbourne
Debora Nozza, Bocconi University
Flor Miriam Plaza-del-Arco, Bocconi University
Zeerak Talat, University of Edinburgh
Francielle Vargas, University of São Paulo
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.
The Research Training Group 2853 “Neuroexplicit Models of Language,
Vision, and Action” is looking for
*up to 8 PhD Students - Fall 2025*
Neuroexplicit models combine neural and human-interpretable (“explicit”)
models in order to overcome the limitations that each model class has
separately. They include neurosymbolic models, which combine neural and
symbolic models, but also e.g. combinations of neural and physics-based
models. In the RTG, we will improve the state of the art in natural
language processing (“Language”), computer vision (“Vision”), and
planning and reinforcement learning (“Action”). We also develop novel
machine learning techniques for neuroexplicit models (“Foundations”).
Our overarching aim is to contribute to a better understanding of the
cross-cutting design principles of effective neuroexplicit models
through interdisciplinary collaboration.
The RTG is scheduled to grow to a total of *24 PhD students* by 2025. An
excellent and international group of twelve PhD students and one postdoc
have already joined the RTG. Through the inclusion of ~20 associated PhD
students and postdocs funded from other sources, it will be one of the
largest research centers on neuroexplicit or neurosymbolic models in the
The RTG brings together researchers at Saarland University, the Max
Planck Institute for Informatics, the Max Planck Institute for Software
Systems, the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, and the
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). All of these
institutions are collocated on the same campus in Saarbrücken, Germany.
The positions will be *funded for four years* at the TV-L E13 100% pay
scale. They are intended to start in September 2025. You should have or
be about to complete an MSc degree in computer science or a related
field and have demonstrated expertise in one of the research areas of
the RTG, e.g. through an excellent Master’s thesis or relevant publications.
The RTG is part of the Saarland Informatics Campus, one of the *leading
centers for research* in computer science, artificial intelligence, and
natural language processing in Europe. The Saarland Informatics Campus
brings together 900 researchers and 2500 students from 81 countries. The
CISPA Helmholtz Center, located on the same campus, is home to an
additional 350 researchers and on track to grow to 800 by 2026.
Researchers at SIC and CISPA are part of the ELLIS network and have been
awarded more than 40 ERC grants.
Each PhD student in the RTG will be *jointly supervised by two PhD
advisors* from the list of Principal Investigators below. Each student
will freely define their own research topic; we encourage the choice of
topics that cross the traditional boundaries of research fields.
Students may be affiliated with Saarland University or with one of the
participating institutes.
Vera Demberg, Saarland University - Computational Linguistics
Jörg Hoffmann, Saarland University - AI Planning
Dietrich Klakow, Saarland University - Natural Language Processing
Alexander Koller, Saarland University - Computational Linguistics
Bernt Schiele, MPI for Informatics - Computer Vision, Machine Learning
Philipp Slusallek, DFKI and Saarland University - Computer Graphics,
Artificial Intelligence
Christian Theobalt, MPI for Informatics - Visual Computing, Machine Learning
Mariya Toneva, MPI for Software Systems - Computational Neuroscience,
Machine Learning
Isabel Valera, Saarland University - Machine Learning
Jilles Vreeken, CISPA - Machine Learning, Causality
Joachim Weickert, Saarland University - Mathematical Data Analysis
Verena Wolf, DFKI and Saarland University - Modeling and Simulation,
Reinforcement Learning
Ellie Pavlick, Brown University and Google AI, will join us regularly as
a Mercator Fellow.
Please send your application by *24th March 2024* to
apply(a)neuroexplicit.org and include the reference number W2616. We aim
to conduct job interviews in April-May 2025.
For more details on the position, including what materials to submit
with your application, please see our website:
Dear colleagues,
registration is now open for our upcoming workshop on "Large Language
Models (LLMs) in the History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science (HPSS)"!
The workshop will focus on exploring use cases and proposals for how, and
to what extent, LLMs might help overcome long-standing challenges in
studies of how science works. The event will take place from April 2–4,
2025, at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. The event will open at
around 1:30 PM on April 2 and end at around 5 PM on April 4. Further
information is available at
Register here:
Early registration is greatly appreciated as it will help us with further
planning. The deadline for registration is March 28, 2025 but we will also
try to accommodate “walk-ins”.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out in case you need more information.
Kind regards,
The organizers
**** We apologize for the multiple copies of this email. In case you are
already registered to the next webinar, you do not need to register
again. ****
Dear colleague,
We are happy to announce the next webinar in the Language Technology
webinar series organized by the HiTZ Chair of AI< (https://hitz.eus).
You can view the videos of previous webinars and the schedule for
upcoming webinars here: http://www.hitz.eus/webinars
Next webinar:
*Speaker:* Christian Herff (Maastricht University)
*Title:* Speech neuroprostheses based on intracranial EEG
*Date: * Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 15:00 CET
*Summary:* Speech is our most natural way of communication and the loss
of the ability to speak is therefore devastating to patients. A speech
neuroprostheses that directly reconstructs speech processes from neural
activity could provide a new means of communications to these severely
affected patients. In this presentation, I will present some approaches
to reconstruct different representations of speech from intracranial
recordings and highlight how they can be used to build a speech
neuroprosthesis. The decoding of speech processes is particularly
challenging, as not only the neural, but also the target signal has
complex, nonlinear dynamics. I will stress the use of interpretable
machine learning models for this task to ensure that meaningful activity
is decoded and scientific insights might be generated as a side product.
*Bio:* Dr. Christian Herff is an assistant professor in the School for
Mental Health and Neuroscience at Maastricht University where he leads
the invasive BCI research line. His research interest lays in the
application of machine learning technology to neurophysiological data
for Brain-Computer Interfaces and neuroscience research. With a
particular focus on the decoding of speech processes from intracranial
data, he tries to improve the lives of severely paralyzed patients while
simultaneously improving our understanding of complex higher order
cognition. He emphasizes the ability to achieve interpretable results
based on computational models. In particular, visualization of complex
dynamic models, such as deep neural networks, is of interest to him.
Upcoming webinars:*
· Emanuele Bugliarello (Thursday, April 3, 2025)
· André F. T. Martins (Thursday, May 8, 2025)
· Mirella Lapata (Thursday, June 5, 2025)
If you are interested in participating, please complete this
registration form: http://www.hitz.eus/webinar_izenematea
If you cannot attend this seminar, but you want to be informed of the
following HiTZ webinars, please complete this registration form instead:
Best wishes,
HiTZ Zentroa
P.S: HiTZ will not grant any type of certificate for attendance at these
We are excited to share that the ArchEHR-QA development set is now available via PhysioNet:
* https://doi.org/10.13026/zzax-sy62
Shared Task Website:
* https://archehr-qa.github.io/
Introduction to ArchEHR-QA 2025
Responding to patients’ medical inbox messages through patient portals is increasingly a contributor to clinician burden. To this end, automatically generating answers to questions from patients considering their medical records is important. The overarching goal of the ArchEHR-QA 2025 shared task is to develop automated responses to patients' questions by generating answers that are grounded in key clinical evidence from their electronic health records (EHRs).
ArchEHR-QA Dataset
The proposed dataset comprises hand-curated, realistic patient questions (reflective of patient portal messages), relevant focus areas identified within these questions (as determined by a clinician), corresponding clinician-rewritten versions (crafted to aid in formulating responses), and note excerpts providing essential clinical context.
For more information and examples, please visit the shared task website at https://archehr-qa.github.io/.
Important Dates
* Release of the public and hidden test datasets: March 25 (Tuesday), 2025
* Submission of system responses: April 25 (Friday), 2025
* Submission of shared task papers (optional): May 2 (Friday), 2025
* Notification of acceptance: May 10 (Saturday), 2025
* BioNLP Workshop Date: July 31 (Thursday) OR August 1 (Friday), 2025
We are also looking for people to join the program committee, where the responsibilities will include reviewing papers. If you are interested, please send an email to sarvesh.soni(a)nih.gov<mailto:sarvesh.soni@nih.gov>.
Website: https://archehr-qa.github.io/
Google Group: https://groups.google.com/g/archehr-qa
Email: sarvesh.soni(a)nih.gov<mailto:sarvesh.soni@nih.gov>
Looking forward to your participation,
Sarvesh Soni, National Library of Medicine, US
Dina Demner-Fushman, National Library of Medicine, US
The next meeting of the Edge Hill Corpus Research Group will take place online (MS Teams) on Friday 7 March 2025, 3:15-4:30 pm (GMT).
Topic: LLMs
Speaker: Yannis Korkontzelos<https://research.edgehill.ac.uk/en/persons/yannis-korkontzelos> (Edge Hill University, UK)
Title: Detecting Text generated by Large Language Models: A Novel Statistical Technique to address Paraphrasing
The abstract and registration link are here: https://sites.edgehill.ac.uk/crg/next
Attendance is free. Registration closes on Thursday 6 March.
If you have problems registering, or have any questions, please send an email to: gabrielc(a)edgehill.ac.uk<mailto:gabrielc@edgehill.ac.uk>
Edge Hill University<http://ehu.ac.uk/home/emailfooter>
Modern University of the Year, The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022<http://ehu.ac.uk/tef/emailfooter>
University of the Year, Educate North 2021/21
This message is private and confidential. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and remove it from your system. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Edge Hill or associated companies. Edge Hill University may monitor email traffic data and also the content of email for the purposes of security and business communications during staff absence.<http://ehu.ac.uk/itspolicies/emailfooter>
First “Mind the AI-GAP 2025: Co-Designing Socio-Technical Systems” International Workshop at HHAI 2025
9/10 June 2025, Pisa, Italy
**Important Dates** (Time zone: Anywhere on Earth)
Submission deadline: 7 April, 2025
Notification of acceptance: 2 May, 2025
Camera Ready due: 12 May, 2025
**Aim and scope**
The Mind the AI-GAP 2025 workshop aims to critically address unwanted bias and discrimination in AI technologies by proactively integrating fairness and inclusivity within the design process, fostering social and structural change. The workshop explores how Participatory AI can shape solutions that better reflect community values, needs, and preferences and aims to bring together diverse stakeholders, including researchers, practitioners, NGOs, civil society, and designers. Through a combination of talks, roundtables, and hands-on activities, participants will collectively discuss participatory approaches and develop actionable outputs, such as guidelines or a white paper, to advance Participatory AI as a tool for equitable, transparent, and impactful systems.
We welcome technical and non-technical submissions with experimental, theoretical, or methodological contributions. We explicitly encourage interdisciplinary submissions focusing on participatory approaches to AI development. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Methods and frameworks for participatory AI design
Case studies of co-design processes in AI development
Approaches to stakeholder engagement and community value integration
Analyses of power dynamics in participatory AI design
Strategies for balancing individual and collective needs in AI design
Methods and evaluation frameworks for participatory AI processes
Tools and techniques for enhancing AI transparency for diverse stakeholders
Experiences and lessons learned from co-design and stakeholder engagement
Ethical considerations in participatory AI development
Citizen science and democratizing AI design and deployment
Real-world impacts and challenges of participatory AI design in practice
The workshop is also open to other non-listed topics aligned with the scope of the venue.
We welcome the following types of submissions:
- Full original research paper that presents original, impactful work (from 5 up to 9 pages);
- Blue sky papers present visionary ideas to stimulate the research community (from 5 up to 9 pages);
Both types of papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
- Extended abstracts describing ongoing research, personal experiences with the topic, proof of concept, etc.. Authors can opt for having their paper included in the proceedings (5 pages required) or for non-archival presentations (from 2 up to 5 pages);
- Research communication of already published papers that serve to promote the dissemination of contributions aligned with the scope of the workshop (up to 2 pages).
They will not be published in the conference proceedings.
All paper lengths exclude references, which are unlimited. All submissions should adhere to the CEUR-WS guidelines and style templates (PDF, LaTeX, Word available at https://ceur-ws.org/HOWTOSUBMIT.html) with single column format. Submissions are to be uploaded on Easychair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aigap2025.
Accepted submissions shall be submitted to CEUR-WS.org for online publication in a dedicated free, open-access volume in CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Since CEUR partners with Scopus, these proposals will also be indexed in it. Contributions will be presented either as oral presentations (lightning talks) or posters.
All presentations are expected to be in person, except in exceptional cases (e.g., a speaker encounters a last-minute issue and cannot attend the conference).
**Workshop organizers**
Costanza Alfieri, Università dell’Aquila
Eleonora Cappuccio, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Donatella Donati, Università dell’Aquila
Miriam Felici, Independent Researcher
Marta Marchiori Manerba, Università di Pisa
Benedetta Muscato, Scuola Normale Superiore
Clara Punzi, Scuola Normale Superiore
Beatrice Savoldi, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
For more information:
Website: https://aigap2025.isti.cnr.it/
Contact: mind-the-ai-gap(a)googlegroups.com
Final Call for Participation for the 6th AfricaNLP WorkshopCall For Papers
The 6th AfricaNLP workshop (https://sites.google.com/view/africanlp2025/home)
will be co-located with ACL 2025 in Vienna, Austria. We invite your
submissions with a deadline of March 7, 2025 (AoE).
Submission Details
We welcome submissions in the following formats:
Extended Abstracts (up to 2 pages): Non-archival submissions.
Papers (4-8 pages): Authors can decide whether their submission is
archival or non-archival. We encourage longer papers (more than 4 pages) to
opt for archival submission.
ARR Submissions: We accept papers previously submitted to ARR. Papers
must have been submitted to the ARR December 2024 cycle or an earlier cycle
and have received reviews and a metareview.
All submissions must not have been previously published in an archival
Formatting: Submissions must be anonymous and must follow the ACL template
(LaTeX and Word formats available). The Overleaf template is available at:
Submission portal:
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: March 7, 2025 (AoE)
Acceptance Notification: April 17, 2025 (AoE)
Camera-ready Deadline: May 9, 2025 (AoE)
Workshop Date: July 31 or August 1, 2025
About AfricaNLP 2025
The AfricaNLP workshop has become a core event for the African NLP
community and has drawn global attendance and interest for researchers
working on African languages, African corpora, and tasks with importance in
the African context.
In the current landscape, large language models (LLMs) have seen widespread
use and significant innovation, yet African languages remain
underrepresented. To address this disparity, the theme for the 2025
workshop is "Multilingual and Multicultural-aware LLMs." The workshop
aspires to bring together a diverse group of researchers to explore
solutions, collaborations, and innovation around enhancing LLMs’
capabilities in African languages and ensuring cultural awareness in their
This workshop has several aims:
Engage diverse stakeholders: invite a variety of speakers from industry,
research networks and academia to get their perspectives on the state of
multilingual and multicultural-aware LLMs in African languages.
Address challenges and opportunities: Provide a platform to discuss both
the potential benefits and risks of deploying LLMs in African contexts.
Foster collaboration: Encourage interaction between academic, industry,
and independent researchers to advance NLP for the African continent.
Bridge communities: Strengthen connections between the African
linguistics and NLP communities, highlighting the importance of linguistic
expertise for African languages.
Showcase African NLP: Provide a platform for the African NLP community
to share their work with a global audience.
Promote inclusivity and mentorship: Support junior researchers and
first-time authors through mentorship and engagement.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
analyses of African languages by means of computational linguistics
empirical studies reporting results from applying or adapting NLP
developed for high-resource languages to African languages
new model architectures tailored for African languages
new corpora for African languages
using NLP techniques on African datasets
text generation for African languages
methods addressing out-of-domain generalization for NLP tasks with
training data in very limited domains
transfer learning between African languages or from higher-resourced to
lower-resourced languages
challenges or solutions for resource gathering for African NLP tasks
crowd-sourcing and open-sourcing software for African NLP
multidisciplinary and participatory research in African NLP
tutorials for African NLP for education or development purposes
new resources for African NLP
development of NLP systems for African languages for production
socio-linguistic research for African languages and their decolonization
ethical considerations for African NLP
This workshop follows the previously successful editions in 2020-24. It
will be hybrid and co-located with ACL 2025.
Keynote Speakers
We are pleased to announce the following invited speakers:
Sebastian Ruder (Meta)
Muhammad Abdul-Mageed (UBC, MBZUAI)
Jesujoba Alabi (Saarland University)
Hellina Hailu Nigatu (UC Berkeley, MBZUAI)
Joyce Nabende (Makerere University)
For any questions, please contact the workshop organizers at
We look forward to your submissions and participation.
Best regards,
AfricaNLP 2025 Organizers
*Release of trial corpora* *!!*
****We apologize for multiple postings of this e-mail****
MentalRiskES2025 describes the third edition of a novel task on early risk
identification of mental disorders in Spanish comments from social media
sources. The first and the second editions took place in the IberLEF
evaluation forum as part of the SEPLN 2023 and SEPLN 2024. The task was
resolved as an online problem, that is, the participants had to detect a
potential risk as early as possible in a continuous stream of data.
Therefore, the performance not only depended on the accuracy of the systems
but also on how fast the problem is detected. These dynamics are reflected
in the design of the tasks and the metrics used to evaluate participants. For
this third edition, we propose two novel tasks, the first subtask is about
the detection of the gambling disorder and the second subtask consists of
detecting a type of Addiction.
We would like to invite you to participate in the following tasks:
1. Risk Detection of Gambling Disorders (Binary classification)
2. Type of Addiction Detection (Multiclass classification)
Find out more at https://sites.google.com/view/mentalriskes2025.
MentalRiskES 2025 is part of the IberLEF Workshop and will be held in
conjunction with the SEPLN 2025 conference in Zaragoza (Spain).
Important Dates
Feb 14th Registration open
*Feb 25th Release of trial corpora (trial server available)*
Mar 19th Release of training corpora
Mar 31st Registration closed
Apr 7th Release of test corpora and start of the evaluation
campaign (test server available and trial submissions closed)
Apr 14th End of evaluation campaign (deadline for submission
of runs)
Apr 18th Publication of official results and release of test
gold labels
May 12th Deadline for paper submission
May 30th Acceptance notification
Jun 16th Camera-ready submission deadline
Sep TBD Publication of proceedings
Note: All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00
Please reach out to the organizers at MentalRiskEs@IberLEF2025.
The MentalRiskES 2025 organizing committee.
Dear all,
Please see the invitation below to our fortnightly meetings of Lancaster’s Open Research Group (in person and online).
Between #naturalism and #conventionalism:
1. How does language differ from a stone?
2. How does what a linguist does differ from what a geologist does?
Open research group meeting.
🕛 Today 12pm – 12.50pm
Everybody is welcome forms.office.com/e/YT5md2fjka
Professor Vaclav Brezina
Professor in Corpus Linguistics
Department of Linguistics and English Language
ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Lancaster University
Lancaster, LA1 4YD
Office: County South, room C05
T: +44 (0)1524 510828