*Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research (APJCR) is now available online:*
*The Incredible Shrinking Noun Phrase: Ongoing Change in Japanese Word
Formation*Kevin Heffernan, (Kwansei Gakuin University), JAPAN; Yusuke
Imanishi (Kwansei Gakuin University), JAPAN
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22925/apjcr.2023.4.1.1
*Identifying Key Grammatical Errors of Japanese English as a Foreign
Language Learners in a Learner Corpus: Toward …
[View More]Focused Grammar Instruction
with Data-Driven Learning*
Atsushi Mizumoto (Kansai University), JAPAN; Yoichi Watari (Chukyo
University), JAPAN
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22925/apjcr.2023.4.1.25
*A Comparison of the Constructions Make / Take a Decision in Malaysian
English with the Supervarieties *
Christina Sook Beng Ong (Wawasan Open University), MALAYSIA
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22925/apjcr.2023.4.1.43
*Effects of Corpus Use on Error Identification in L2 Writing *
Yoshiho Satake (Aoyama Gakuin University), JAPAN
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22925/apjcr.2023.4.1.61
*CK Jung BEng(Hons) Birmingham MSc Warwick EdD Warwick Cert Oxford*
Associate Professor | Department of English Language and Literature,
Incheon National University, *South Korea*
President | The Korea Association of Secondary English Education, *South
Korea *(http://kasee.org)
Vice President | The Korea Association of Primary English Education), *South
Korea *(http://kapee.or.kr)
Director | Institute for Corpus Research, Incheon National University, *South
Korea* (http://icr.or.kr)
Editor-in-Chief | Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research, ICR,
*International* (http://icr.or.kr/apjcr)
Editorial Board | Corpora, Edinburgh University Press, *UK*
Editorial Board | English Today, Cambridge University Press, *UK*
E: ckjung(a)inu.ac.kr / T: +82 (0)32 835 8129
H(EN): http://ckjung.org
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== 12th NLP4CALL, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands==
The workshop series on Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL) is a meeting place for researchers working on the integration of Natural Language Processing and Speech Technologies in CALL systems and exploring the theoretical and methodological issues arising in this connection. The latter includes, among others, insights from Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research, on the one hand, and promote …
[View More]development of “Computational SLA” through setting up Second Language research infrastructure(s), on the other.
The intersection of Natural Language Processing (or Language Technology / Computational Linguistics) and Speech Technology with Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) brings “understanding” of language to CALL tools, thus making CALL intelligent. This fact has given the name for this area of research – Intelligent CALL, ICALL. As the definition suggests, apart from having excellent knowledge of Natural Language Processing and/or Speech Technology, ICALL researchers need good insights into second language acquisition theories and practices, as well as knowledge of second language pedagogy and didactics. This workshop invites therefore a wide range of ICALL-relevant research, including studies where NLP-enriched tools are used for testing SLA and pedagogical theories, and vice versa, where SLA theories, pedagogical practices or empirical data are modeled in ICALL tools.
The NLP4CALL workshop series is aimed at bringing together competences from these areas for sharing experiences and brainstorming around the future of the field.
We welcome papers:
- that describe research directly aimed at ICALL;
- that demonstrate actual or discuss the potential use of existing Language and Speech Technologies or resources for language learning;
- that describe the ongoing development of resources and tools with potential usage in ICALL, either directly in interactive applications, or indirectly in materials, application or curriculum development, e.g. learning material generation, assessment of learner texts and responses, individualized learning solutions, provision of feedback;
- that discuss challenges and/or research agenda for ICALL
- that describe empirical studies on language learner data.
This year a special focus is given to work done on error detection/correction and feedback generation.
We encourage paper presentations and software demonstrations describing the above- mentioned themes primarily, but not exclusively, for the Nordic languages.
==Shared task==
NEW for this year is the MultiGED shared task on token-level error detection for L2 Czech, English, German, Italian and Swedish, organized by the Computational SLA working group.
For more information, please see the Shared Task website: https://github.com/spraakbanken/multiged-2023
==Invited speakers==
This year, we have the pleasure to announce two invited talks.
The first talk is given by Marije Michel from the University of Amsterdam.
The second talk is given by Pierre Lison from the Norwegian Computing Center.
==Submission information==
Authors are invited to submit long papers (8-12 pages) alternatively short papers (4-7 pages), page count not including references.
We will be using the NLP4CALL template for the workshop this year. The author kit can be accessed here, alternatively on Overleaf:
Submissions will be managed through the electronic conference management system EasyChair <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nlp4call2023>. Papers must be submitted digitally through the conference management system, in PDF format. Final camera-ready versions of accepted papers will be given an additional page to address reviewer comments.
Papers should describe original unpublished work or work-in-progress. Papers will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the program committee in a double-blind fashion. All accepted papers will be collected into a proceedings volume to be submitted for publication in the NEALT Proceeding Series (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings) and, additionally, double-published through the ACL anthology, following experiences from the previous NLP4CALL editions (<https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/venues/nlp4call/>).
==Important dates==
03 April 2023: paper submission deadline
21 April 2023: notification of acceptance
01 May 2023: camera-ready papers for publication
22 May 2023: workshop date
David Alfter (1), Elena Volodina (2), Thomas François (3), Arne Jönsson (4), Evelina Rennes (4)
(1) Gothenburg Research Infrastructure for Digital Humanities, Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
(2) Språkbanken, Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, Language Technology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
(3) CENTAL, Institute for Language and Communication, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
(4) Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden
For any questions, please contact David Alfter, david.alfter(a)gu.se
For further information, see the workshop website <https://spraakbanken.gu.se/en/research/themes/icall/nlp4call-workshop-serie…>
Follow us on Twitter @NLP4CALL <https://twitter.com/NLP4CALL/>
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*Call for Papers: *The First Workshop on Natural Language Argument-Based
Explanations (ArgNLE - https://argnle.github.io/ECAI-ArgNLE/)
Co-located with ECAI 2024 (https://www.ecai2024.eu/). Universidad de
Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
*Workshop description*
Explainability and Computational Argumentation have usually been
approached as separate, independent research topics, which neglects many
aspects arising from considering the interdependencies between them. To
be effective for human …
[View More]users, explanations are required to be formulated
in natural language, possibly in an argumentative fashion. A workshop on
exploring Natural language Argument-based Explanations is proposed to
investigate this challenging topic, at the crossroad of these different
research fields. Providing high quality explanations for AI predictions
based on machine learning is a challenging and complex task. To work
well it requires, among other factors: selecting a proper level of
generality/specificity of the explanation; considering assumptions about
the familiarity of the explanation beneficiary with the AI task under
consideration; referring to specific elements that have contributed to
the decision; making use of additional knowledge (e.g., metadata) which
might not be part of the prediction process; selecting appropriate
examples; providing evidence supporting negative hypothesis. Finally,
the system needs to formulate the explanation in a clearly
interpretable, and possibly convincing, way.
Given these considerations, the workshop welcomes contributions showing
an integrated vision of Explainable AI (XAI), where low level
characteristics of the deep learning process are combined with higher
level schemas proper of the human argumentation capacity. These
integrated vision relies on three main considerations: i) In neural
architectures the correlation between internal states of the network and
the justification of the network classification outcome is not well
studied; ii) High quality explanations are crucially based on
argumentation mechanisms (e.g., provide supporting examples and rejected
alternatives); iii) In real settings, providing explanations is
inherently an interactive process involving the system and the user.
Accordingly, the workshop calls for cross-disciplinary contributions in
three areas, i.e., deep learning, argumentation and interactivity, to
support a broader and innovative view of explainable AI. More precisely,
the workshop is intended to discuss research challenges that will allow
to advance the state of the art in explainable AI. Providing
explanations to support a certain conclusion has been largely studied in
logic, as a fundamental characteristic of human reasoning. As a result,
both theoretical and computational models of human argumentation are
investigated. The recent resurgence of AI highlighted the idea that low
level system behaviors not only need to be interpretable (e.g., showing
those elements that most contributed to the system decision), but also
need to fit high level human schemas to produce convincing arguments.
*Topics of interest*
* Natural language argument-based explanations
* Dialectical, dialogical and conversational explanations
* AI methods to support argumentative explainability
* User-acceptance and evaluation of argumentation-based explanations
* Tools that provide argumentation-based explanations
* Use of argument-based explanations for research from the social
sciences, digital humanities, and related fields
* Real-world applications
The workshop solicits the submission of three types of contributions
relevant to the workshop topics and suitable to generate discussion:
* Original, unpublished contributions
* Dataset related submissions (presenting a dataset or a corpus
related to the workshop topics, that has been or is currently under
development. These papers may have already been published in another
* Projects related submissions (presenting funded projects or lines of
work within the topics of the workshop, both academic and industrial).
*Invited speaker*
Professor Francesca Toni, Faculty of Engineering, Department of
Computing, Imperial College London, UK.
*Important Dates
* Paper submission: 31 May 2024
* Notification of acceptance: 1 July 2024
* Camera-ready papers: 31 July 2024
* ArgNLE workshop: 19 or 20 October 2024
*Submission Instructions
*Papers must be written in English, be prepared for double-blind review
using the ECAI LaTeX template, and not exceed 7 pages (not including
references). The ECAI LaTeX Template can be found at
https://ecai2024.eu/download/ecai-template.zip. Papers should be
submitted via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=argnle2024
*Workshop Organizers:*
* Rodrigo Agerri <https://ragerri.github.io/> - HiTZ Center - Ixa,
University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain
* Elena Cabrio <https://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Elena.Cabrio/> -
Université Côte d’Azur, Inria, CNRS, I3S, France
* Serena Villata <https://webusers.i3s.unice.fr/~villata/Home.html> -
Université Côte d’Azur, Inria, CNRS, I3S, France
* Marcin Lewinski <https://ifilnova.pt/en/people/marcin-lewinski/> -
IFILNOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
* Bernardo Magnini <http://hlt.fbk.eu/people/magnini> - Fondazione
Bruno Kessler, Italy
* Marie-Francine Moens <https://people.cs.kuleuven.be/~sien.moens/> -
KU Leuven, Belgium
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An opportunity to join the Assessment Research Group at the British Council as Researcher: AI & Data Science in Assessment. Full details and link to application here: https://careers.britishcouncil.org/job/London-Researcher-AI-&-Data-Science-…
For any enquiries, feel free to contact me. Deadline for applications is 1st April.
The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (…
[View More]England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). This message is for the use of the intended recipient(s) only and may contain confidential information. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete it. The British Council accepts no liability for loss or damage caused by viruses and other malware and you are advised to carry out a virus and malware check on any attachments contained in this message.
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(english announcement follows)
Dans le cadre du projet CIIAM (Contextual Information Inference for
Argument Mining) financé par l’Académie d’Excellence Réseaux,
Information et Société Numérique, visant à renforcer la robustesse des
techniques de fouille d'arguments par la synthétisation d’informations
contextuelles relevant des aspects multimodaux de la communication.
Nous invitons les doctorant(e)s en fin de thèse et les jeunes
docteur(e)s à candidater à un postdoctorat …
[View More]sur "l'Amélioration de la
fouille d’argument par la synthétisation d’information contextuelle" (12
Parvenir à appréhender les structures argumentatives dans les entrées en
langage naturel constitue une étape clé pour de nombreuses tâches
relevant du domaine du Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL), telles
que le résumé automatique ou l'analyse de débats politiques. Bien que
des progrès significatifs aient été réalisés grâce à l'avènement des
modèles de langue pré-entraînés, ils ne saisissent pas toujours
l'ensemble des connaissances linguistiques nécessaires pour une
compréhension contextuelle fine et l'établissement d'inférences
pertinentes. Face à ces limitations, notre projet vise à explorer
l'inclusion de la dimension d'analyse linguistique liée à la
pragmatique. Cette approche se veut particulièrement novatrice, car la
pragmatique, en raison de sa complexité à être formalisée, est très peu
étudiée d'un point de vue computationnel. C’est à travers l'utilisation
des dernières techniques de pointe en matière de "prompting" que nous
souhaitons pallier les écueils des méthodes existantes, tels que la
variabilité culturelle et l’implicite.
Pour candidater
Sujet détaillé :
Début du contrat : Octobre 2024, au plus tard
Durée du contrat : 12 mois
Les candidatures comprenant un CV scientifique, une lettre de motivation
et des lettres de recommandation doivent être envoyées à Anaïs Ollagnier
Date limite : 14 Juin 2024
Laboratoire d'accueil : I3S, Sophia-Antipolis, France
Au plaisir de vous lire.
In the context of the CIIAM project (Contextual Information Inference
for Argument Mining), funded through the France 2030 investment plan
managed by the National Research Agency (ANR), as part of the Initiative
of Excellence Université Côte d’Azur, aiming to enhance the robustness
of argument mining techniques through the synthesis of contextual
information relevant to multimodal aspects of communication.
We invite doctoral candidates nearing completion of their thesis and
young PhD graduates to apply for a postdoctoral position on "Improving
Argument Mining through the Synthesis of Contextual Information" (12
Understanding argumentative structures in natural language inputs is a
key step for many tasks in the field of Natural Language Processing
(NLP), such as automatic summarization or analysis of political debates.
Although significant progress has been made with the advent of
pre-trained language models, they do not always grasp all the linguistic
knowledge necessary for fine contextual understanding and the
establishment of relevant inferences. Faced with these limitations, our
project aims to explore the inclusion of linguistic analysis dimension
related to pragmatics. This approach is particularly innovative because
pragmatics, due to its complexity in formalization, has been scarcely
studied from a computational perspective. It is through the use of the
latest cutting-edge prompting techniques that we aim to overcome the
pitfalls of existing methods, such as cultural variability and implicit
To Apply
Detailed subject:
Contract start: October 2024, at the latest
Contract duration: 12 months
Applications including a scientific CV, a motivation letter, and
recommendation letters should be sent to Anaïs Ollagnier
Deadline: June 14, 2024
Hosting laboratory: I3S, Sophia-Antipolis, France
Junior Fellow in AI 3IA Université Côte d'Azur (Polytech Nice) | I3S | INRIA wimmics team
Templiers 1, Bureau 414, 930 Route des Colles, BP 145
06903 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France
anais.ollagnier(a)inria.fr |https://aollagnier.github.io/
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This is a reminder that the deadline for LLM-Lex workshop submissions is approaching.
Call for Extended Abstracts: Large Language Models and Lexicography 2024
Hotel Croatia, Cavtat, Croatia | 8 October 2024
You are invited to submit extended abstracts for the workshop Large Language Models and Lexicography, which will be held in conjunction with the Euralex 2024 congress <https://euralex.jezik.hr/> . The workshop is organised jointly by the Centre …
[View More]for Language Resources and Technologies, University of Ljubljana, and Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Key Information
Workshop link: https://www.cjvt.si/en/research/community/llm-lex-2024/
Euralex 2024 workshops link: https://euralex.jezik.hr/workshops/
Submission link: <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=llmlex2024> https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=llmlex2024
Submission deadline: 3 June 2024 (EOD)
Notification of acceptance: beginning of July 2024
Please note that submissions should be extended abstracts with a maximum length of 1500 words.
Best regards,
Simon Krek
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Apologies for double posting — this will be the final announcement from the Multimodality and Interaction in Language Learning committee.
The submission deadline has been extended to June 10th for both archival and non-archival track submissions.
We would also like to let you know that the event will have free registration, including the conference dinner. However, we ask that anyone who registers please do attend to avoid food waste.
Please visit https://gu-clasp.github.io/MILLing/cfp.html…
[View More]for the full call for papers. We look forward to seeing you in Gothenburg in October!
Best regards,
MILLing 2024 Organising Committee
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Dear researchers,
We are pleased to announce that the paper submission deadline for the First
Annual Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Turkic Languages
(SIGTURK) Workshop has been extended to June 7, 2024 (Friday).
This extension aims to provide more time for potential participants to
prepare and submit their novel research contributions. We encourage
submissions on various topics related to computational linguistics and
natural language processing in Turkic languages.
Please note …
[View More]the following updated important dates:
* Extended Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: June 7, 2024 (Friday)
* Notification of Acceptance: June 17, 2024 (Monday)
* Camera-ready Papers Due: July 1, 2024 (Monday)
* Workshop Dates: August 15-16, 2024 (Thursday-Friday)
We invite you to submit your work to our workshop, which will be held in
conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics (ACL) in Bangkok, Thailand. The SIGTURK Workshop provides an
excellent opportunity to present your research, exchange ideas, and
collaborate with researchers from diverse backgrounds who share an interest
in Turkic language processing.
For more information about the workshop, submission guidelines, and
templates, please visit our official website: https://sigturk.com/workshop
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at
We look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you at the SIGTURK
Workshop in Bangkok!
Best regards,
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Dear Corpus-list members,
I would like to draw your attention to a PhD position at the Centre for Language Studies at Radboud University (applications deadline June 9th):
PhD Candidate AI Authenticity Project: Exploring what makes L2 writing sound ‘human’
Are you curious about what makes text 'human'? And do you want to explore linguistic nuances that distinguish human-authored content from AI-generated text? Then join the Graduate School for the Humanities (GSH) as a PhD candidate and …
[View More]explore these questions.
We offer you the opportunity to develop and carry out your own PhD project within the areas of expertise of your supervisors (Prof. Rob Schoonen, Dr. Nathan Vandeweerd and Dr. Iris Hendrickx). The project will be funded by a Starters Grant from the Faculty of Arts awarded to Dr. Nathan Vandeweerd.
As generative AI has dramatically improved over the last few years, it has become more and more difficult for humans to distinguish between AI- and human written text, with studies suggesting that our ability to do so is often no better than chance. Nevertheless, humans do seem to have opinions about what makes a text ’authentic’. For example, texts with grammatical issues or lack of coherence are more likely to be labelled as AI-generated, even when this is not the case (see e.g. Jakesch et al., 2023). The problem for L2 writers is that many of these (presumed AI-identifying) characteristics also occur in second language writing, which means that non-native writers may be unfairly accused of using generative AI, both by other humans and AI-based GPT detection systems (Liang et al., 2023). In addition to being a potential threat to one’s perceived academic integrity (Currie, 2023), perceptions that a text is AI-generated can have quite serious consequences as such texts are seen as less credible (Waddell, 2018), less favourable (Graefe et al., 2016) and less trustworthy (Jakesch et al., 2019).
Building on the framework of AI-mediated communication (Hancock et al., 2020; Jakesch et al., 2019), The AI Authenticity Project aims to investigate the specific linguistic characteristics that underlie our perceptions of authenticity and to unravel which features of L2 texts convey ’human-ness’.
Over the course of the project, you will use a combination of qualitative methods, corpus linguistic techniques and experimental research to investigate both people’s perceptions of authenticity as well as the extent to which those perceptions reflect reality. Based on your own interests and/or expertise, possible areas of focus include (but are by no means limited to) phraseology/word combinations (e.g., Jakesch et al., 2023), syntax and grammar (e.g., Berber Sardinha, 2024) and coherence/tone of voice (e.g., Casal & Kessler, 2023). Whichever direction you choose, this project promises to be a dynamic and exciting opportunity to do ground-breaking research on a topic of major societal relevance.
For more information, see the link below:
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*** Final Call for Paper Submission ***
ACM 4th International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good
4-6 September 2024, Bremen, Germany
Special Track on Educating for a Sustainable Digital Future
( *** Submission Deadline: 17 June 2024 (FIRM) ***)
Exploring the development of our digital future requires a comprehensive examination of both
individual and societal consequences. Placing excessive emphasis on …
[View More]individual gains, a
common practice in individualistic societies for many years, has hindered the ability to grasp
the complex dynamics and forward-thinking mindset essential for the sustainability of a
contemporary society.
The evolving landscape of technology and the ongoing digital advancements have paved the
way for creative applications in the field of education, allowing us to adapt to the
ever-changing circumstances. When shaping a new approach for Information Systems and
Information Technology education, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of individuals
as key stakeholders and integral members of the wider community, while also recognizing the
pivotal role of collaboration.
In this track, we are searching for papers employing innovative technology and approaches to
educate the future generation towards world equality, collegiality, inclusion and a more
cooperative learning for a sustainable digital future. Values which are emphasized in the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which overall aim towards creating a more equitable,
sustainable, and peaceful world.
This track is particularly relevant to IS/IT educators and those creative IT practitioners who
care about developing a sustainable digital future.
Potential topics for papers include (but are not limited to):
• Sustainable and innovative education technologies and practices
• Universal access to quality education
• The new role for IS/IT in society and education and the value of information and knowledge
• The role of cooperative learning for life-long learning and societal developments
• Digital transformation: opportunities and challenges for education, work, and society
• Digital learning environments: Innovations and trends
• Equality, diversity, and inclusion in education, work, and society
• The use of large language models and generative AI in education
• New topics and domains in IT-enhanced education
We hope to attract the interest of IS/IT educators and those creative IT practitioners who care
about developing a sustainable digital future.
Please refer to the instructions on the conference web site:
https://blogs.uni-bremen.de/goodit2024/submission-of-papers/ .
All accepted papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library .
• Submission deadline: 17 June 2024 (AoE) (***FIRM***)
• Notification of acceptance: 8 July 2024
• Camera ready: 19 July 2024
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Vasso Stylianou, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Vasso Stylianou, stylianou.v(a)unic.ac.cy
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