**Please note the submission category for poster abstracts for various types of work (student projects, thesis descriptions, project descriptions, ...).**
Final Call for Papers
We cordially invite submissions of papers and abstracts to KONVENS 2023, which takes place from September 18-22, 2023 at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (Bavaria, Germany). Next to its technical program, KONVENS will feature a lively exchange between academic researchers and colleagues from industry, as well as workshops, tutorials, shared tasks, and networking events.
We are very happy to announce that the following speakers have accepted our invitations to give keynotes at KONVENS 2023: Hinrich Schütze (Professor, LMU München), Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová (Head of Research, Development and Transfer at the German Rescue Robotics Center), and Marc Schulder (PostDoc, University of Hamburg).
In addition to full-length papers, we invite the submission of abstracts for our poster sessions: Bachelor, Master, PhD Students: consider submitting your project or thesis work as a short abstract and present it at our poster sessions in order to get feedback and network! We also accept abstracts describing ongoing projects, software toolkits, the use of NLP technology in industrial products,…
We are looking for sponsors supporting our event, if you are interested, please contact us! KONVENS is a great event to network with NLP talent.
Submission is open!
GSCL is accepting submissions to the GSCL BA and MA Theses Awards.
We have announced an exciting program of satellite events:
Sept 18, 2023: KONVENS Teach4NLP is a workshop that aims to bring together anyone interested in teaching NLP/CL at university, industry, or college level.
Sept 18, 2023: PhD Networking Event
Sept 21, 2023: GermEval Shared Task on Speaker Attribution (Evaluation Deadline end of July)
Sept 21, 2023: Tutorial Learning from Task Instructions by Wenpeng Yin and Hinrich Schütze
Sept 22, 2023: Workshop on Linguistic Insights from and for Multimodal Language Processing
Sept 22, 2023: Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political and Social Sciences (CPSS 2023) by the GSCL SIG Computerlinguistik für die Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften.
Natural language processing (NLP) technology is already part of our everyday life. We hence particularly invite contributions discussing the interaction of language technology and its users, including the application of speech and text technology in various settings (e.g., dialogue processing, mobility, medicine, e-commerce, or digital humanities). We encourage authors to discuss ethical aspects.
We invite two types of submissions:
long and short papers that will be archived in the ACL Anthology, and
abstracts on ongoing work, student/PhD theses, etc., which will not be archived.
We welcome original, unpublished contributions on research, development, applications and evaluation, covering all areas of natural language processing, ranging from basic questions to practical implementations of natural language resources, components and systems. We encourage the submission of NLP approaches to the German language, and survey papers describing the state of the art in German language and speech processing. We invite contributions from both academia and industry.
We welcome the following types of paper submissions:
Long papers (8 pages plus references and appendix), describing original research with substantial new results.
Short papers (4 pages plus references and appendix), including small focused contributions, work in progress, as well as descriptions of projects, systems and resources.
Accepted papers will be presented orally or as posters as determined by the program chairs. The decisions will be based on the nature rather than the quality of the work. The conference languages are English and German. We encourage the submission of contributions in English. Each submission must include a mandatory discussion of Ethical Considerations as well as a section on Limitations (both sections do not count towards the page limit). Papers without these sections will be desk-rejected. The review process will be double-blind. Submissions must be anonymized accordingly. The conference proceedings will be published in the ACL Anthology.
To foster interaction and discussion in our community, we also invite abstracts (max. 2 pages plus references) on the following topics:
Ongoing projects, open source toolkits and software, repositories, etc.
Bachelor or Master theses, student projects
PhD theses (ongoing or finished)
Use of NLP technology within industrial products
Opinion pieces
Abstracts should not be anonymized. They will be made available to conference participants, but they will not be archived. Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters at the conference.
We explicitly invite students and doctoral researchers to join the event and present their work and obtain feedback in our student poster session by submitting an abstract.
May 19th, 2023: Paper submission due (all submission types)
June 30th, 2023: Notification of acceptance
July 15th, 2023: Camera-ready papers due
September 18-22 2023: KONVENS
Papers and abstracts must be formatted in accordance with the ACL style sheets. We strongly encourage authors to use LaTeX in preparing their document. Papers must be submitted electronically via https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/KONVENS2023.
On Behalf of the Organization Committee
Munir Georges, TH Ingolstadt (General Chair)
Aaricia Herygers, TH Ingolstadt (Local Chair)
Annemarie Friedrich, Universität Augsburg (Program Chair)
Benjamin Roth, Universität Wien (Program Chair)
DEADLINE EXTENSION TwinTalks 4: Understanding and Facilitating Remote Collaboration in DH
The workshop is a joint initiative by the European Social Sciences and Humanities Research Infrastructures CLARIN <http://www.clarin.eu/> and DARIAH<https://www.dariah.eu/> and it will be organised as part of the DH 2023 Collaboration and Opportunity Conference<https://dh2023.adho.org/> that will take place on July 10-14 in Graz, Austria.
Dates and Location
Main conference: 10-14 July, Messe Congress Graz convention centre<http://www.mcg.at/messegraz.at/en/locations/messecongress-graz/veranstalter…>
TwinTalks workshop: 10 July, 9:00 - 17:00 CEST, University of Graz<https://www.uni-graz.at/en/>
Important Dates
* 15 March 2023: Call for Papers
* 22 May 2023: Submission deadline (extended)
* 15 June 2023: Notification of acceptance
* 30 June 2023: Deadline for the final version of extended abstracts
* 10 July 2023 (9:00 - 17:00 CEST): Workshop
Workshop Aims
The main objective of the workshop is to develop a better understanding of the dynamics on the Digital Humanities work floor when researchers, teachers and/or professionals with different – but often overlapping – areas of competence engage in remote collaboration to solve humanities research questions, and to explore how education and training of humanities scholars, cultural heritage professionals and technical experts can help to make remote collaboration across disciplines more efficient and effective, more creative and innovative, and more inclusive and rewarding for all participants.
To this end, we invite submissions reporting on all aspects and stages of engaging in remote collaborative research and teaching in DH, including the obstacles encountered and solutions found. We also welcome position papers on the role of research infrastructures in facilitating remote collaboration in DH.
The insights gained should help those involved in the education of humanities scholars, professionals and technical experts alike to develop better training programmes, tailored towards the needs of a diverse group of potential learners.
The workshop is a follow-up of three previous successful TwinTalks workshops that have taken place at various DH conferences from 2019 onwards (TwinTalks 1 proceedings<https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2365/>; TwinTalks 1 blog<http://www.parthenos-project.eu/clarin-and-parthenos-twintalks>; TwinTalks 2+3 proceedings<https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2717/>).
Researchers, cultural heritage professionals, educators, scientific programmers, research infrastructure operators and policy-makers with a special interest in creating the conditions where people with humanities research skills and technical expertise (or both) can fruitfully collaborate in answering humanities research questions remotely.
Workshop Format
The programme starts with an invited talk by a prominent speaker, which will set the scene for the rest of the day. The main component of the workshop programme consists of two types of (submitted) talks:
* Twin talks, i.e. talks presented by pairs or teams consisting of someone rooted primarily in humanities research (with a humanities research problem, i.e. not a technical problem or tool), someone with a background in a totally different discipline (e.g. technical) who has contributed their specific capabilities to arrive at the answers, and/or a cultural heritage professional whose collection knowledge has contributed to the development of the research corpus. Talks will usually consist of three parts, followed by questions from the audience: In the first part, the humanities research question is the point of focus, while in the second part, it is shown how the joint effort resulted in an answer to the respective question. In the third part, these perspectives come together, as the team describes how the remote collaboration went, including obstacles that were encountered, and how better training and education could help to make remote collaboration more efficient and effective.
* Teach talks by teachers/lecturers/trainers with experience with or interesting ideas about how remote cross-discipline collaboration is or can be addressed in curricula or other training activities.
The language of the workshop is English.
What we expect from the submissions for the Twin Talks track:
* They are authored and presented by one or more humanities scholars and one or more digital experts
* They start from a humanities research question (i.e. not a technical question, a presentation of a tool, a platform or a data collection)
* They describe the remote research carried out jointly and its results
* They describe the technical aspects of the methods used and the results obtained
* They analyse the way the scholars and the technicians collaborated remotely, addressing issues such as (but not limited to):
* What was easy and what was difficult, and why?
* How did the researchers, technicians or cultural heritage professionals change each other’s way of looking at things?
* Did they, for instance, make each other aware of blind spots they had?
* Did the combination of thinking from a DH research question and thinking from a technical solution lead to new insights?
* How could better training or education of scholars and digital experts make remote collaboration easier, more effective and more efficient?
With regards to the TeachTalks track, one single author and presenter is sufficient. Of course, multi-author papers are equally welcome.
Submission instructions
* Format: PDF. For format instructions, see http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip
* Size: Extended abstracts, size ca 4-8 pages (between 2000-4000 words), covering research questions and answers, technical aspects and collaboration experience for Twin Talks, or relevant educational experience for Teach Talks.
* Publication: The workshop proceedings will be published at CEUR-WS<https://ceur-ws.org/>.
* Submission URL: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=twintalksdh2023
Workshop Programme Committee
* Bente Maegaard (CLARIN ERIC / University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
* Barbara McGillivray (King's College London & The Alan Turing Institute, UK)
* Benjamin Wiggins (University of Manchester, UK)
* Eleni Gouli (Academy of Athens, Greece)
* Francesca Frontini (CNR, Italy & CLARIN ERIC)
* Frank Uiterwaal (EHRI / NIOD / KNAW, Netherlands)
* Folgert Karsdorp (Meertens Institute, KNAW, Netherlands)
* Geoffrey Rockwell (University of Alberta, Canada)
* Hitoshi Isahara (Center for IT-Based Education, Japan)
* Jennifer Edmond (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
* Koenraad De Smedt (CLARINO, University of Bergen, Norway)
* Maria Gavrilidou (Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Athens, Greece)
* Menno Van Zaanen (South African Centre for Digital Language Resources, South Africa)
* Milena Dobreva (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria)
* Mikko Tolonen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
* Radim Hladik (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
* Ulrike Wuttke (University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany)
* Vicky Garnett (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Chairs and Organisers
The workshop is a joint initiative by European SSH Research Infrastructures CLARIN (www.clarin.eu<http://www.clarin.eu/>) and DARIAH (https://www.dariah.eu/).
* Steven Krauwer (CLARIN ERIC / Utrecht University, Netherlands)
* Darja Fišer (CLARIN ERIC / Institute of Contemporary History, Slovenia)
* Iulianna van der Lek-Ciudin (CLARIN ERIC, Netherlands)
* Sally Chambers (DARIAH-EU / Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Belgium)
* Agiatis Benardou (DARIAH-EU / Digital Curation Unit, ATHENA R.C., Athens, Greece)
Contact Information
For any questions, please contact Iulianna van der Lek at events(a)clarin.eu<https://mailto:events@clarin.eu>.
Elisa Gorgaini
CLARIN ERIC External Relation Officer
We are very happy to announce the eighteenth release of annotated
treebanks in Universal Dependencies, v2.12, available at
Universal Dependencies is a project that seeks to develop
cross-linguistically consistent treebank annotation for many languages
with the goal of facilitating multilingual parser development,
cross-lingual learning, and parsing research from a language typology
perspective (de Marneffe et al., 2021; Nivre et al., 2020). The
annotation scheme is based on (universal) Stanford dependencies (de
Marneffe et al., 2006, 2008, 2014), Google universal part-of-speech tags
(Petrov et al., 2012), and the Interset interlingua for morphosyntactic
tagsets (Zeman, 2008). The general philosophy is to provide a universal
inventory of categories and guidelines to facilitate consistent
annotation of similar constructions across languages, while allowing
language-specific extensions when necessary.
The *245* treebanks in v2.12 are annotated according to version 2 of the
UD guidelines and represent the following *141 languages:* Abaza,
Afrikaans, Akkadian, Akuntsu, Albanian, Amharic, Ancient Greek, Ancient
Hebrew, Apurina, Arabic, Armenian, Assyrian, Bambara, Basque, Beja,
Belarusian, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Bororo, Breton, Bulgarian, Buryat,
Cantonese, Catalan, Cebuano, Chinese, Chukchi, Classical Chinese,
Coptic, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Erzya, Estonian,
Faroese, Finnish, French, Frisian Dutch, Galician, German, Gheg, Gothic,
Greek, Guajajara, Guarani, Hebrew, Hindi, Hittite, Hungarian, Icelandic,
Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kaapor, Kangri,
Karelian, Karo, Kazakh, Khunsari, Kiche, Komi Permyak, Komi Zyrian,
Korean, Kurmanji, Kyrgyz, Latin, Latvian, Ligurian, Lithuanian, Livvi,
Low Saxon, Madi, Maghrebi Arabic French, Makurap, Malayalam, Maltese,
Manx, Marathi, Mbya Guarani, Moksha, Munduruku, Naija, Nayini,
Neapolitan, Nheengatu, North Sami, Norwegian, Old Church Slavonic, Old
East Slavic, Old French, Old Irish, Old Turkish, Persian, Polish, Pomak,
Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Sanskrit, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian,
Sinhala, Skolt Sami, Slovak, Slovenian, Soi, South Levantine Arabic,
Spanish, Swedish, Swedish Sign Language, Swiss German, Tagalog, Tamil,
Tatar, Teko, Telugu, Thai, Tupinamba, Turkish, Turkish German,
Ukrainian, Umbrian, Upper Sorbian, Urdu, Uyghur, Vietnamese, Warlpiri,
Welsh, Western Armenian, Western Sierra Puebla Nahuatl, Wolof, Xavante,
Xibe, Yakut, Yoruba, Yupik and Zaar. The 141 languages belong to *30
families:* Afro-Asiatic, Arawakan, Arawan, Austro-Asiatic, Austronesian,
Basque, Bororoan, Chukotko-Kamchatkan, Code switching, Creole,
Dravidian, Eskimo-Aleut, Indo-European, Japanese, Korean, Macro-Je,
Mande, Mayan, Mongolic, Niger-Congo, Northwest Caucasian, Pama-Nyungan,
Sign Language, Sino-Tibetan, Tai-Kadai, Tungusic, Tupian, Turkic, Uralic
and Uto-Aztecan. Depending on the language, the treebanks range in size
from less than 1,000 tokens to over 3 million tokens. We expect the next
release to be available in November 2023.
The size of the following 28 treebanks changed significantly since the
last release:
Bororo BDT : 0 → 692
Classical Chinese Kyoto : 310594 → 433168
English ESL : 97681 → 0
English ESLSpok : 0 → 21312
English GENTLE : 0 → 17797
English GUM : 164490 → 187515
French FTB : 573370 → 0
Greek GUD : 0 → 25493
Hindi English HIENCS : 26909 → 0
Irish Cadhan : 3804 → 4783
Irish TwittIrish : 15433 → 47790
Japanese Modern : 14494 → 0
Javanese CSUI : 2067 → 14344
Kyrgyz KTMU : 0 → 7451
Maghrebi Arabic French Arabizi: 0 → 19793
Malayalam UFAL : 202 → 2403
Moksha JR : 3431 → 4081
Nheengatu CompLin : 2146 → 8604
Norwegian NynorskLIA : 55410 → 0
Old Church Slavonic PROIEL : 57563 → 198843
Old East Slavic Ruthenian : 3069 → 10011
Old East Slavic TOROT : 149780 → 246850
Old Irish DipSGG : 0 → 400
Old Irish DipWBG : 0 → 438
Portuguese GSD : 318916 → 0
Teko TuDeT : 1375 → 2272
Vietnamese VTB : 43783 → 58069
Xavante XDT : 120 → 1597
Daniel Zeman, Joakim Nivre, Mitchell Abrams, Elia Ackermann, Noëmi
Aepli, Hamid Aghaei, Željko Agić, Amir Ahmadi, Lars Ahrenberg, Chika
Kennedy Ajede, Salih Furkan Akkurt, Gabrielė Aleksandravičiūtė, Ika
Alfina, Avner Algom, Khalid Alnajjar, Chiara Alzetta, Erik Andersen,
Lene Antonsen, Tatsuya Aoyama, Katya Aplonova, Angelina Aquino, Carolina
Aragon, Glyd Aranes, Maria Jesus Aranzabe, Bilge Nas Arıcan, Þórunn
Arnardóttir, Gashaw Arutie, Jessica Naraiswari Arwidarasti, Masayuki
Asahara, Katla Ásgeirsdóttir, Deniz Baran Aslan, Cengiz Asmazoğlu, Luma
Ateyah, Furkan Atmaca, Mohammed Attia, Aitziber Atutxa, Liesbeth
Augustinus, Mariana Avelãs, Elena Badmaeva, Keerthana Balasubramani,
Miguel Ballesteros, Esha Banerjee, Sebastian Bank, Verginica Barbu
Mititelu, Starkaður Barkarson, Rodolfo Basile, Victoria Basmov, Colin
Batchelor, John Bauer, Seyyit Talha Bedir, Shabnam Behzad, Kepa
Bengoetxea, İbrahim Benli, Yifat Ben Moshe, Gözde Berk, Riyaz Ahmad
Bhat, Erica Biagetti, Eckhard Bick, Agnė Bielinskienė, Kristín
Bjarnadóttir, Rogier Blokland, Victoria Bobicev, Loïc Boizou, Emanuel
Borges Völker, Carl Börstell, Cristina Bosco, Gosse Bouma, Sam Bowman,
Adriane Boyd, Anouck Braggaar, António Branco, Kristina Brokaitė,
Aljoscha Burchardt, Marisa Campos, Marie Candito, Bernard Caron,
Gauthier Caron, Catarina Carvalheiro, Rita Carvalho, Lauren Cassidy,
Maria Clara Castro, Sérgio Castro, Tatiana Cavalcanti, Gülşen Cebiroğlu
Eryiğit, Flavio Massimiliano Cecchini, Giuseppe G. A. Celano, Slavomír
Čéplö, Neslihan Cesur, Savas Cetin, Özlem Çetinoğlu, Fabricio Chalub,
Liyanage Chamila, Shweta Chauhan, Ethan Chi, Taishi Chika, Yongseok Cho,
Jinho Choi, Jayeol Chun, Juyeon Chung, Alessandra T. Cignarella, Silvie
Cinková, Aurélie Collomb, Çağrı Çöltekin, Miriam Connor, Daniela
Corbetta, Francisco Costa, Marine Courtin, Mihaela Cristescu, Ingerid
Løyning Dale, Philemon Daniel, Elizabeth Davidson, Leonel Figueiredo de
Alencar, Mathieu Dehouck, Martina de Laurentiis, Marie-Catherine de
Marneffe, Valeria de Paiva, Mehmet Oguz Derin, Elvis de Souza, Arantza
Diaz de Ilarraza, Carly Dickerson, Arawinda Dinakaramani, Elisa Di
Nuovo, Bamba Dione, Peter Dirix, Kaja Dobrovoljc, Adrian Doyle, Timothy
Dozat, Kira Droganova, Puneet Dwivedi, Christian Ebert, Hanne Eckhoff,
Masaki Eguchi, Sandra Eiche, Marhaba Eli, Ali Elkahky, Binyam Ephrem,
Olga Erina, Tomaž Erjavec, Farah Essaidi, Aline Etienne, Wograine
Evelyn, Sidney Facundes, Richárd Farkas, Federica Favero, Jannatul
Ferdaousi, Marília Fernanda, Hector Fernandez Alcalde, Amal Fethi,
Jennifer Foster, Cláudia Freitas, Kazunori Fujita, Katarína Gajdošová,
Daniel Galbraith, Federica Gamba, Marcos Garcia, Moa Gärdenfors,
Fabrício Ferraz Gerardi, Kim Gerdes, Luke Gessler, Filip Ginter, Gustavo
Godoy, Iakes Goenaga, Koldo Gojenola, Memduh Gökırmak, Yoav Goldberg,
Xavier Gómez Guinovart, Berta González Saavedra, Bernadeta Griciūtė,
Matias Grioni, Loïc Grobol, Normunds Grūzītis, Bruno Guillaume, Céline
Guillot-Barbance, Tunga Güngör, Nizar Habash, Hinrik Hafsteinsson, Jan
Hajič, Jan Hajič jr., Mika Hämäläinen, Linh Hà Mỹ, Na-Rae Han, Muhammad
Yudistira Hanifmuti, Takahiro Harada, Sam Hardwick, Kim Harris, Dag
Haug, Johannes Heinecke, Oliver Hellwig, Felix Hennig, Barbora Hladká,
Jaroslava Hlaváčová, Florinel Hociung, Petter Hohle, Marivel Huerta
Mendez, Jena Hwang, Takumi Ikeda, Anton Karl Ingason, Radu Ion, Elena
Irimia, Ọlájídé Ishola, Artan Islamaj, Kaoru Ito, Siratun Jannat, Tomáš
Jelínek, Apoorva Jha, Katharine Jiang, Anders Johannsen, Hildur
Jónsdóttir, Fredrik Jørgensen, Markus Juutinen, Hüner Kaşıkara, Nadezhda
Kabaeva, Sylvain Kahane, Hiroshi Kanayama, Jenna Kanerva, Neslihan Kara,
Ritván Karahóǧa, Andre Kåsen, Tolga Kayadelen, Sarveswaran
Kengatharaiyer, Václava Kettnerová, Jesse Kirchner, Elena Klementieva,
Elena Klyachko, Arne Köhn, Abdullatif Köksal, Kamil Kopacewicz, Timo
Korkiakangas, Mehmet Köse, Alexey Koshevoy, Natalia Kotsyba, Jolanta
Kovalevskaitė, Simon Krek, Parameswari Krishnamurthy, Sandra Kübler,
Adrian Kuqi, Oğuzhan Kuyrukçu, Aslı Kuzgun, Sookyoung Kwak, Kris Kyle,
Veronika Laippala, Lorenzo Lambertino, Tatiana Lando, Septina Dian
Larasati, Alexei Lavrentiev, John Lee, Phương Lê Hồng, Alessandro Lenci,
Saran Lertpradit, Herman Leung, Maria Levina, Lauren Levine, Cheuk Ying
Li, Josie Li, Keying Li, Yixuan Li, Yuan Li, KyungTae Lim, Bruna Lima
Padovani, Yi-Ju Jessica Lin, Krister Lindén, Yang Janet Liu, Nikola
Ljubešić, Olga Loginova, Stefano Lusito, Andry Luthfi, Mikko Luukko,
Olga Lyashevskaya, Teresa Lynn, Vivien Macketanz, Menel Mahamdi, Jean
Maillard, Ilya Makarchuk, Aibek Makazhanov, Michael Mandl, Christopher
Manning, Ruli Manurung, Büşra Marşan, Cătălina Mărănduc, David Mareček,
Katrin Marheinecke, Stella Markantonatou, Héctor Martínez Alonso, Lorena
Martín Rodríguez, André Martins, Cláudia Martins, Jan Mašek, Hiroshi
Matsuda, Yuji Matsumoto, Alessandro Mazzei, Ryan McDonald, Sarah
McGuinness, Gustavo Mendonça, Tatiana Merzhevich, Niko Miekka, Aaron
Miller, Karina Mischenkova, Anna Missilä, Cătălin Mititelu, Maria
Mitrofan, Yusuke Miyao, AmirHossein Mojiri Foroushani, Judit Molnár,
Amirsaeid Moloodi, Simonetta Montemagni, Amir More, Laura Moreno Romero,
Giovanni Moretti, Shinsuke Mori, Tomohiko Morioka, Shigeki Moro, Bjartur
Mortensen, Bohdan Moskalevskyi, Kadri Muischnek, Robert Munro, Yugo
Murawaki, Kaili Müürisep, Pinkey Nainwani, Mariam Nakhlé, Juan Ignacio
Navarro Horñiacek, Anna Nedoluzhko, Gunta Nešpore-Bērzkalne, Manuela
Nevaci, Lương Nguyễn Thị, Huyền Nguyễn Thị Minh, Yoshihiro Nikaido,
Vitaly Nikolaev, Rattima Nitisaroj, Alireza Nourian, Hanna Nurmi, Stina
Ojala, Atul Kr. Ojha, Hulda Óladóttir, Adédayọ̀ Olúòkun, Mai Omura,
Emeka Onwuegbuzia, Noam Ordan, Petya Osenova, Robert Östling, Lilja
Øvrelid, Şaziye Betül Özateş, Merve Özçelik, Arzucan Özgür, Balkız
Öztürk Başaran, Teresa Paccosi, Alessio Palmero Aprosio, Anastasia
Panova, Hyunji Hayley Park, Niko Partanen, Elena Pascual, Marco
Passarotti, Agnieszka Patejuk, Guilherme Paulino-Passos, Giulia
Pedonese, Angelika Peljak-Łapińska, Siyao Peng, Siyao Logan Peng, Rita
Pereira, Sílvia Pereira, Cenel-Augusto Perez, Natalia Perkova, Guy
Perrier, Slav Petrov, Daria Petrova, Andrea Peverelli, Jason Phelan,
Jussi Piitulainen, Yuval Pinter, Clara Pinto, Tommi A Pirinen, Emily
Pitler, Magdalena Plamada, Barbara Plank, Thierry Poibeau, Larisa
Ponomareva, Martin Popel, Lauma Pretkalniņa, Sophie Prévost, Prokopis
Prokopidis, Adam Przepiórkowski, Robert Pugh, Tiina Puolakainen, Sampo
Pyysalo, Peng Qi, Andreia Querido, Andriela Rääbis, Alexandre Rademaker,
Mizanur Rahoman, Taraka Rama, Loganathan Ramasamy, Joana Ramos, Fam
Rashel, Mohammad Sadegh Rasooli, Vinit Ravishankar, Livy Real, Petru
Rebeja, Siva Reddy, Mathilde Regnault, Georg Rehm, Arij Riabi, Ivan
Riabov, Michael Rießler, Erika Rimkutė, Larissa Rinaldi, Laura Rituma,
Putri Rizqiyah, Luisa Rocha, Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson, Ivan Roksandic,
Mykhailo Romanenko, Rudolf Rosa, Valentin Roșca, Davide Rovati, Ben
Rozonoyer, Olga Rudina, Jack Rueter, Kristján Rúnarsson, Shoval Sadde,
Pegah Safari, Aleksi Sahala, Shadi Saleh, Alessio Salomoni, Tanja
Samardžić, Stephanie Samson, Manuela Sanguinetti, Ezgi Sanıyar, Dage
Särg, Marta Sartor, Mitsuya Sasaki, Baiba Saulīte, Yanin Sawanakunanon,
Shefali Saxena, Kevin Scannell, Salvatore Scarlata, Nathan Schneider,
Sebastian Schuster, Lane Schwartz, Djamé Seddah, Wolfgang Seeker, Mojgan
Seraji, Syeda Shahzadi, Mo Shen, Atsuko Shimada, Hiroyuki Shirasu, Yana
Shishkina, Muh Shohibussirri, Maria Shvedova, Janine Siewert, Einar
Freyr Sigurðsson, João Silva, Aline Silveira, Natalia Silveira, Sara
Silveira, Maria Simi, Radu Simionescu, Katalin Simkó, Mária Šimková,
Haukur Barri Símonarson, Kiril Simov, Dmitri Sitchinava, Ted Sither,
Maria Skachedubova, Aaron Smith, Isabela Soares-Bastos, Per Erik
Solberg, Barbara Sonnenhauser, Shafi Sourov, Rachele Sprugnoli, Vivian
Stamou, Steinþór Steingrímsson, Antonio Stella, Abishek Stephen, Milan
Straka, Emmett Strickland, Jana Strnadová, Alane Suhr, Yogi Lesmana
Sulestio, Umut Sulubacak, Shingo Suzuki, Daniel Swanson, Zsolt Szántó,
Chihiro Taguchi, Dima Taji, Fabio Tamburini, Mary Ann C. Tan, Takaaki
Tanaka, Dipta Tanaya, Mirko Tavoni, Samson Tella, Isabelle Tellier,
Marinella Testori, Guillaume Thomas, Sara Tonelli, Liisi Torga, Marsida
Toska, Trond Trosterud, Anna Trukhina, Reut Tsarfaty, Utku Türk, Francis
Tyers, Sveinbjörn Þórðarson, Vilhjálmur Þorsteinsson, Sumire Uematsu,
Roman Untilov, Zdeňka Urešová, Larraitz Uria, Hans Uszkoreit, Andrius
Utka, Elena Vagnoni, Sowmya Vajjala, Socrates Vak, Rob van der Goot,
Martine Vanhove, Daniel van Niekerk, Gertjan van Noord, Viktor Varga,
Uliana Vedenina, Giulia Venturi, Veronika Vincze, Natalia Vlasova, Aya
Wakasa, Joel C. Wallenberg, Lars Wallin, Abigail Walsh, Jonathan North
Washington, Maximilan Wendt, Paul Widmer, Shira Wigderson, Sri Hartati
Wijono, Seyi Williams, Mats Wirén, Christian Wittern, Tsegay
Woldemariam, Tak-sum Wong, Alina Wróblewska, Mary Yako, Kayo Yamashita,
Naoki Yamazaki, Chunxiao Yan, Koichi Yasuoka, Marat M. Yavrumyan, Arife
Betül Yenice, Olcay Taner Yıldız, Zhuoran Yu, Arlisa Yuliawati, Zdeněk
Žabokrtský, Shorouq Zahra, Amir Zeldes, He Zhou, Hanzhi Zhu, Yilun Zhu,
Anna Zhuravleva, Rayan Ziane
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Christopher Manning, Joakim Nivre, Daniel
Zeman. 2021. Universal Dependencies. In Computational Linguistics 47:2,
pp. 255–308.
Joakim Nivre, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Filip Ginter, Jan Hajič,
Christopher D. Manning, Sampo Pyysalo, Sebastian Schuster, Francis
Tyers, Daniel Zeman. 2020. Universal Dependencies v2: An Evergrowing
Multilingual Treebank Collection. In Proceedings of LREC.
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Bill MacCartney, and Christopher D.
Manning. 2006. Generating typed dependency parses from phrase structure
parses. In Proceedings of LREC.
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe and Christopher D. Manning. 2008. The
Stanford typed dependencies representation. In COLING Workshop on
Cross-framework and Cross-domain Parser Evaluation.
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Timothy Dozat, Natalia Silveira, Katri
Haverinen, Filip Ginter, Joakim Nivre, and Christopher Manning. 2014.
Universal Stanford Dependencies: A cross-linguistic typology. In
Proceedings of LREC.
Joakim Nivre, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Filip Ginter, Yoav Goldberg,
Jan Hajič, Christopher D. Manning, Ryan McDonald, Slav Petrov, Sampo
Pyysalo, Natalia Silveira, Reut Tsarfaty, Daniel Zeman. 2016. Universal
Dependencies v1: A Multilingual Treebank Collection. In Proceedings of LREC.
Slav Petrov, Dipanjan Das, and Ryan McDonald. 2012. A universal
part-of-speech tagset. In Proceedings of LREC.
Daniel Zeman. 2008. Reusable Tagset Conversion Using Tagset Drivers. In
Proceedings of LREC.
Dear corpora-list members,
ACL 2023 is providing D&I funds for registration, caregiving, bandwidth,
travel, and other subsidies. We strongly encourage researchers with
financial hurdles to apply for subsidies.
Please fill in this form
on or before May 31st.
*Please visit * https://2023.aclweb.org/calls/subsidies/* for more details.* If
you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the D&I committee. (Email:
Best regards,
Daniel Beck, Maryam Fazel-Zarandi, Nedjma Ousidhoum.
**apologies for cross-postings**
===== Call for Participation IWCS 2023 =====
Early Registration: 21st May 2023
15th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS)
Universit�� de Lorraine, Nancy, France
20-23th June 2023
IWCS is the biennial meeting of SIGSEM [1], the ACL special interest
group on semantics [2]; this year's edition is organized in person by the
Loria [3] and IDMC [4] of the Universit�� de Lorraine.
[1] http://sigsem.org/
[2] http://aclweb.org/
[3] https://www.loria.fr/fr/
[4] http://idmc.univ-lorraine.fr/
The aim of the IWCS conference is to bring together researchers
interested in any aspects of the computation, annotation, extraction,
representation and neuralisation of meaning in natural language,
whether this is from a lexical or structural semantic perspective.
IWCS embraces both symbolic and machine learning approaches to
computational semantics, and everything in between. The conference
and workshops will take place 20-23 June 2023.
We invite paper submissions in all areas of computational semantics, in
other words all computational aspects of meaning of natural language within
written, spoken, signed, or multi-modal communication.
Presentations will be oral and posters.
Submissions are invited on these closely related areas, including the
* design of meaning representations
* syntax-semantics interface
* representing and resolving semantic ambiguity
* shallow and deep semantic processing and reasoning
* hybrid symbolic and statistical approaches to semantics
* distributional semantics
* alternative approaches to compositional semantics
* inference methods for computational semantics
* recognising textual entailment
* learning by reading
* methodologies and practices for semantic annotation
* machine learning of semantic structures
* probabilistic computational semantics
* neural semantic parsing
* computational aspects of lexical semantics
* semantics and ontologies
* semantic web and natural language processing
* semantic aspects of language generation
* generating from meaning representations
* semantic relations in discourse and dialogue
* semantics and pragmatics of dialogue acts
* multimodal and grounded approaches to computing meaning
* semantics-pragmatics interface
* applications of computational semantics
Two types of submission are solicited: long papers and short papers. Both
types should be submitted not later than 3 March (anywhere on earth).
Long papers should describe original research and must not exceed 8 pages
(not counting acknowledgements and references).
Short papers (typically system or project descriptions, or ongoing research)
must not exceed 4 pages (not counting acknowledgements and references).
Both types will be published in the conference proceedings and in the ACL
Anthology. Accepted papers get an extra page in the camera-ready version.
IWCS papers should be formatted following the common two-column structure
as used by ACL. Please use our specific style-files or the Overleaf template, taken
from ACL 2021. Similar to ACL 2021, initial submissions should be fully anonymous
to ensure double-blind reviewing.
Papers should be submitted in PDF format via Softconf:
Please make sure that you select the right track when submitting your paper.
Contact the organisers if you have problems using Softconf.
No anonymity period
IWCS 2023 does not have an anonymity period. However, we ask you to be
reasonable and not publicly advertise your preprint during (or right before) review.
15 March --> 22 March 2023 (anywhere on earth) Paper submissions
17 April 2023 Decisions sent to authors
15 May 2023 Camera-ready papers due
20-23 June 2023 IWCS conference
=== CONTACT ===
For questions, contact: iwcs2023-contact(a)univ-lorraine.fr
Maxime Amblard, Ellen Breithloltz (the IWCS 2023 organizers)
Deadline Extended!
The 2nd International Workshop on Digital Language Archives (LangArc 2023),
a virtual workshop on digital language archives – digital libraries that
preserve, curate, and provide online access to language data – continues
(after the initial LangArc 2021 workshop) addressing the growing need for
professional solutions to challenging engagement and stewardship issues.
LangArc 2023 will explore a broad scope of issues related to digital
language archives. This includes challenges and opportunities, strategies
and solutions for: facilitating depositing and improving access;
information organization, architecture, and retrieval; quality assurance;
usability; ethical issues; ways of encouraging reuse of deposited data in
research and education; and coursework and other training for information
professionals that will develop and maintain digital language archives.
This workshop is expected to support interdisciplinary collaboration among
information professionals, linguists, educators, representatives of
language communities (including indigenous and other underrepresented),
students, and other interested audiences.
See full call here: https://easychair.org/cfp/LangArc2023
workshop webpage on the UNT COI website https://jcdl2023dla.ci.unt.edu
Important dates:
New date! May 21 AOE: submission deadline
New date! June 5 AOE: acceptance notification
New date! June 20 AOE: submission of the camera-ready version of the
original submission to be published in the workshop proceedings.
June 25, 2023: registration deadline for authors of accepted submissions
(at least one author must be registered for JCDL 2023 conference at
June 26-30, 2023: JCDL 2023 main conference
June 30, 2023: workshop date
Kind Regards,
Hugh Paterson III
In this newsletter:
LDC at ICASSP 2023
New publications:
2019 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation Test Set - CTS Challenge<https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC2023S03>
LORELEI Zulu Representative Language Pack<https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC2023T06>
LDC at ICASSP 2023
LDC will be exhibiting at ICASSP 2023<https://2023.ieeeicassp.org/>, held this year June 4-10 in Rhodes, Greece. Stop by booth 15 to learn more about recent developments at the Consortium and the latest publications.
LDC will post conference updates via Twitter<https://twitter.com/LDCupenn> and Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/ldc.upenn>. We look forward to seeing you there!
New publications:
2019 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation Test Set - CTS Challenge<https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC2023S03>, developed by LDC and NIST, contains 635 hours of Tunisian Arabic telephone recordings for development and test, answer keys, enrollment, trial files, and documentation from the CTS Challenge portion of the NIST-sponsored 2019 Speaker Recognition Evaluation<https://www.nist.gov/itl/iad/mig/nist-2019-speaker-recognition-evaluation>. The 2019 evaluation was conducted in two parts: (1) a leaderboard-style challenge based on conversational telephone speech from LDC's Call My Net 2 (CMN2) corpus; and (2) a separate evaluation using audio-visual material collected by LDC for the VAST (Video Annotation for Speech Technology) project (released as LDC2023V01<https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC2023V01>).
The telephone speech data for the CTS Challenge was drawn from the CMN2 collection conducted by LDC in Tunisia in which Tunisian Arabic speakers called friends or relatives who agreed to record their telephone conversations lasting between 8-10 minutes. The speech segments include PSTN (public switched telephone network) and VOIP (voice over IP) data.
2023 members can access this corpus through their LDC accounts. Non-members may license this data for a fee.
LORELEI Zulu Representative Language Pack<https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC2023T06> is comprised of over 5 million words of Zulu monolingual text, 2.7 million words of found Zulu-English parallel text, and 71,000 Zulu words translated from English data. Approximately 100,000 words were annotated for named entities and over 23,000 words were annotated for entity discovery and linking and situation frames (identifying entities, needs, and issues). Data was collected from discussion forum, news, reference, social network, and weblogs.
The LORELEI (Low Resource Languages for Emergent Incidents) program was concerned with building human language technology for low resource languages in the context of emergent situations. Representative languages were selected to provide broad typological coverage.
The knowledge base for entity linking annotation is available separately as LORELEI Entity Detection and Linking Knowledge Base (LDC2020T10)<https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC2020T10>.
2023 members can access this corpus through their LDC accounts. Non-members may license this data for a fee.
To unsubscribe from this newsletter, log in to your LDC account<https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/login> and uncheck the box next to "Receive Newsletter" under Account Options or contact LDC for assistance.
Membership Coordinator
Linguistic Data Consortium<ldc.upenn.edu>
University of Pennsylvania
T: +1-215-573-1275
E: ldc(a)ldc.upenn.edu<mailto:ldc@ldc.upenn.edu>
M: 3600 Market St. Suite 810
Philadelphia, PA 19104
*Final Call For Papers: 16th International Natural Language Generation
Conference INLG 2023*
We invite the submission of long and short papers, as well as system
demonstrations, related to all aspects of Natural Language Generation
(NLG), including data-to-text, concept-to-text, text-to-text and
vision-to-text approaches. Accepted papers will be presented as oral
talks or posters.
The event is organized under the auspices of the Special Interest Group
on Natural Language Generation (SIGGEN)
(https://aclweb.org/aclwiki/SIGGEN) of the Association for Computational
Linguistics (ACL) (https://aclweb.org/). The event will be held from
11-15 September in Prague, Czech Republic. INLG 2023 will be (jointly)
colocated with SIGDial 2023.
*Important dates*
All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (UTC-12)
- ***UPDATE: START system regular paper title & abstract submission
deadline: May 22, 2023
- ***UPDATE: START system full paper submission deadline May 29, 2023
- ARR commitment to INLG deadline via START system: June 15, 2023
- START system demo paper submission deadline: June 15, 2023
- Notification: July 11, 2023
- Camera ready: July 25, 2023
- Conference: 11-15 September 2023
INLG 2023 solicits papers on any topic related to NLG. General topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:
- Affect/emotion generation
- Analysis and detection of automatically generated text
- Bias and fairness in NLG systems
- Cognitive modelling of language production
- Computational efficiency of NLG models
- Content and text planning
- Corpora and resources for NLG
- Ethical considerations of NLG
- Evaluation and error analysis of NLG systems
- Explainability and Trustworthiness of NLG systems
- Generalizability of NLG systems
- Grounded language generation
- Large Language Models for NLG
- Lexicalisation
- Multimedia and multimodality in generation
- Natural language understanding techniques for NLG
- NLG and accessibility
- NLG in speech synthesis and spoken language models
- NLG in dialogue
- NLG for human-robot interaction
- NLG for low-resourced languages
- NLG for real-world applications
- Paraphrasing, summarization and translation
- Personalisation and variation in text
- Referring expression generation
- Storytelling and narrative generation
- Surface realisation
- System architectures
*Submissions & Format*
Three kinds of papers can be submitted:
- Long papers are most appropriate for presenting substantial research
results and must not exceed eight (8) pages of content, plus unlimited
pages of ethical considerations, supplementary material statements, and
references. The supplementary material statement provides detailed
descriptions to support the reproduction of the results presented in the
paper (see below for details). The final versions of long papers will be
given one additional page of content (up to 9 pages) so that reviewers'
comments can be taken into account.
- Short papers are more appropriate for presenting an ongoing research
effort and must not exceed four (4) pages, plus unlimited pages of
ethical considerations, supplementary material statements, and
references. The final versions of short papers will be given one
additional page of content (up to 5 pages) so that reviewers' comments
can be taken into account.
- Demo papers should be no more than two (2) pages, including
references, and should describe implemented systems relevant to the NLG
community. It also should include a link to a short screencast of the
working software. In addition, authors of demo papers must be willing to
present a demo of their system during INLG 2023.
Submissions should follow ACL Author Guidelines
and policies for submission, review and citation, and be anonymised for
double blind reviewing. Please use ACL 2023 style files; LaTeX style
files and Microsoft Word templates are available at
Authors must honour the ethical code set out in the ACL Code of Ethics
(https://www.aclweb.org/portal/content/acl-code-ethics). If your work
raises any ethical issues, you should include an explicit discussion of
those issues. This will also be taken into account in the review
process. You may find the following checklist of use:
Authors are strongly encouraged to ensure that their work is
reproducible; see, e.g., the following reproducibility checklist
(https://2021.aclweb.org/calls/reproducibility-checklist/). Papers
involving any kind of experimental results (human judgments, system
outputs, etc) should incorporate a data availability statement into
their paper. Authors are asked to indicate whether the data is made
publicly available. If the data is not made available, authors should
provide a brief explanation why. (E.g. because the data contains
proprietary information.) A statement guide is available on the INLG
2023 website (https://inlg2023.github.io/).
To submit a long or short paper to INLG 2023, authors can either submit
directly or commit a paper previously reviewed by ARR via the same paper
submission site (https://softconf.com/n/inlg2023/). For direct
submissions, the deadline for submitting abstracts and titles of papers
is May 22, 2023, 11:59:59 AOE and the full paper submission deadline is
May 29, 2023, 11:59:59 AOE. If committing an ARR paper to INLG, the
submission is also made through the INLG 2023 paper submission site,
indicating the link of the paper on OpenReview. The deadline for
committing an ARR paper to INLG is June 15, 2023, 11:59:59 AOE, and the
last eligible ARR paper submission deadline for INLG 2023 is April 15,
2023. It is important to note that when committing an ARR paper to INLG,
it should be submitted through the INLG 2023 paper submission site, just
like a direct submission paper, with the only difference being the need
to provide the OpenReview link to the paper and to provide an optional
author response to reviews.
Demo papers should be submitted directly through the INLG 2023 paper
submission site (https://softconf.com/n/inlg2023/) by June 15, 2023,
11:59:59 AOE.
All accepted papers will be published in the INLG 2023 proceedings and
included in the ACL anthology. A paper accepted for presentation at INLG
2023 must not have been presented at any other meeting with publicly
available proceedings. Dual submission to other conferences is
permitted, provided that authors clearly indicate this in the submission
form. If the paper is accepted at both venues, the authors will need to
choose which venue to present at, since they can not present the same
paper twice.
INLG 2023 will present several awards to recognize outstanding
achievements in the field. These awards are:
- Best Long Paper Award: This award will be given to the best long paper
submission based on its originality, impact, and contribution to the
field of NLG.
- Best Short Paper Award: This award will be given to the best short
paper submission based on its originality, impact, and contribution to
the field of NLG.
- Best Demo Paper Award: This award will recognize the best demo paper
submitted to the conference. This award considers not only the paper's
quality but also the demonstration given at the conference. The
demonstration will play a significant role in the judging process.
- Best Evaluation Award: The award is a new addition to INLG 2023. This
award is designed to honour authors who have demonstrated the most
comprehensive and insightful analysis in evaluating their results. This
award aims to highlight papers where the authors have gone the extra
mile in providing a thorough and detailed analysis of their results,
offering a nuanced understanding of their findings.
***** apologies for multiple posting ****
*MISDOOM 2023 - *5th Multidisciplinary International Symposium on
Disinformation in Open Online Media
The Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open
Online Media (MISDOOM) is returning for its 5th edition on 21 and 22
November 2023, hosted by the National Research Center for Mathematics and
Computer Science (CWI), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
MISDOOM values multidisciplinary research and is designed to be inclusive
of different academic disciplines and practices. The symposium provides a
platform for researchers, industry professionals, and practitioners from
various disciplines such as communication science, computer science,
computational social science, political science, psychology, journalism,
and media studies to come together and share their knowledge and insights
on online disinformation.
Symposium Topics
Participants can discuss and contribute to the following list of topics:
Cross-platform campaigns and their impact (e.g., diffusion of
disinformation and manipulation, observations of campaigns and strategies,
communication strategies, hate speech)
Approaches to studying misinformation (e.g., qualitative approaches,
case studies, quantitative approaches, experiments)
User involvement with misinformation on various platforms (e.g.,
engagement, viewership)
Counter-measures for mis- and disinformation and manipulation (e.g.,
censorship policies, behavioral changes, education, trainings, professional
codices, legal actions)
Factors contributing to misinformation beliefs or hampering corrections
of false beliefs (e.g., political polarization, motivated reasoning,
confirmation bias)
Trending topics in mis- and disinformation research
Automated fact-checking and misinformation detection
Models for misinformation diffusion
Human computation approaches for misinformation detection
(crowdsourcing, human-machine interaction)
Information quality (information quality dimensions, metrics, ethics of
information quality)
Generative AI tools and disinformation (e.g., ChatGPT, Midjourney,
Industries are also invited to participate in the conference by submitting
a contribution describing their approach to countering or detecting
Submission Instructions
Given that we welcome both social scientists and computer scientists, and
that the publication strategies of these fields differ, we solicit two
types of contributions that, upon acceptance, result in the same
opportunity to present at MISDOOM:
Full papers
Full papers to be published with Springer LNCS proceedings. Up to 15 pages
(including references) in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
format describing original unpublished and new research. The work should be
structured like a research paper, and cover the context of the problem
studied, the research question, approach/methodology, and results in 6 to
15 pages. It should be formatted according to the LNCS Word or LaTeX
template. Such submissions will be judged based on scientific quality and
relevance for the MISDOOM symposium.
Extended Abstracts
Authors can also choose to submit an Extended Abstract. The extended
abstract should not exceed 500 words, excluding references, and can pertain
to previously published work, ongoing projects, or new research ideas.
There is no particular format for the extended abstract, but it must
include the title, authors, their affiliation, the text of the abstract,
and references, particularly if it involves previously published work.
Submissions are not archival and are not formally published. Additionally,
authors must submit a conference program abstract of no more than 150
words. Authors should add the suffix "(Extended Abstract)" to the title of
their extended abstract submission.
Important Note about Submissions
Both contribution types (full papers and extended abstracts) must specify
the discipline they are contributing to as keyword(s) in Easychair at the
time of submission (they should enter at least one of the two keywords
“computer science” or “social science” in the keyword box).
Submission Link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=misdoom2023
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 30 June 2023
Notification: 28 August 2023
Camera ready: 11 September 2023
Symposium: 21-22 November 2023
Tommaso Caselli, Ph.D.
Senior Assistant Professor in Computational Semantics
Faculty of Arts, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
The Netherlands
Twitter: @tommaso_caselli