[Apologies for cross-posting]
At the end in English.
[Plazo de presentación: 2 de mayo de 2023]
La Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural convoca la Edición XXII del Premio SEPLN a la Mejor Tesis Doctoral en Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, que se regirá por las siguientes bases:
La finalidad de este premio es la promoción y divulgación de la investigación en el campo del procesamiento del lenguaje natural.
La tesis será premiada con una computadora portátil compacta (tablet). Se dará entrega del premio en el 39 Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN 2023), tras una breve presentación del trabajo premiado por parte del autor.
Para poder concursar, el autor de la tesis doctoral debe ser socio de la SEPLN en el momento de presentar el trabajo. Ninguna persona concursante podrá participar como autora en más de un trabajo.
Se podrán presentar a concurso tesis doctorales leídas durante el año 2022, escritas en una lengua del Estado español o en lengua inglesa.
Además de la tesis completa, es imprescindible enviar:
Un breve resumen de 4 páginas donde claramente se indique el tema y la relevancia de la investigación, los objetivos, métodos, resultados alcanzados y contribuciones.
Una breve descripción de la trayectoria científica del autor de la tesis, en la que se describa la participación en actividades científicas como organización de de tareas competitivas, congresos, generación de recursos open access como conjuntos de datos, modelos de lenguaje, etc., y participación en proyectos, contratos, y/o patentes.
La calidad de la presentación, la corrección técnica y metodológica, la relevancia, originalidad, la generación, evaluación y publicación de recursos, así como la trayectoria investigadora durante el periodo predoctoral serán los criterios empleados para la adjudicación del premio por parte del jurado.
Los trabajos se enviarán a través de la web de la revista de la Sociedad (http://journal.sepln.org) en formato PDF antes del 2 de mayo de 2023.
La resolución del premio se comunicará durante el 39 Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN 2023).
Documento con las instrucciones (aquí)
Para más información dirigirse a aitziber.atucha(a)ehu.eus
[Submission deadline: May 2nd, 2023]
The Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing announces the 22 Edition of the SEPLN Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Natural Language Processing, which will be governed by the following bases:
The purpose of this award is the promotion and dissemination of research in the field of natural language processing.
The thesis will be awarded with a compact laptop (tablet). The award will be presented at the 39th International Congress of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023), after a brief presentation of the award-winning work by the author.
In order to compete, the author of the doctoral thesis must be a member of the SEPLN at the time of submitting the work. No contestant may participate as an author in more than one work.
Doctoral theses read during the year 2023, written in a language of the Spanish State or in English, may be submitted to competition.
In addition to the complete thesis, it is essential to send:
a 4-page summary of the thesis, clearly describing the topic and the relevance of the research, the objectives, methods, results achieved and contributions.
a brief description of the scientific career of the author of the thesis, detailing the participation in scientific activities such as organization of competitive tasks, congresses, generation of open access resources such as sets of data, language models, etc., and participation in projects, contracts, and/or patents.
The quality of the presentation, the technical and methodological correctness, the relevance, originality, the generation, evaluation and publication of resources, as well as the research trajectory during the pre-doctoral period will be the criteria used for the award of the prize by the jury.
The works will be submitted through the website of the Society's magazine (http://journal.sepln.org) in PDF format before May 2nd 2023.
The final decision will be communicated during the 39th International Congress of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023).
Submission instructions (http://www.sepln.org/sites/default/files/noticia/documentos_relacionados/20…)
For more information: aitziber.atucha(a)ehu.eus
We are pleased to announce the release of the French derivational
morphology database Démonette-2, produced in the framework of the
Demonext project (ANR-17-CE23-0005). Démonette is composed of
descriptions of 222,118 lexeme pairs and their relations. The database
contains three tables, one for the lexemes (table of lexemes), one for
the morphologically related pairs of lexemes (table of relations) and
one for the word families (table of families). Démonette provides the
written form of the lexemes, their pronunciation, their grammatical
category, their inflectional paradigm, their possible variants and for
the nouns their masculine or feminine equivalents. For pairs of lexemes,
the database provides the affixes of the two lexemes, the type of word
formation, the complexity of the relation and its orientation. This
information is derived from existing academic work. The origin of all
the information in the database is explicitly mentioned.
Démonette is a general-purpose database that can be used for teaching
vocabulary and grammar, speech therapy and remediation, experimental
linguistics, NLP, etc. Démonette-2 is distributed under a
CC-Attribution-4.0 license.
DOI : 10.17605/OSF.IO/DB2W8
Démonette can be accessed online at: https://www.demonette.fr/
It can be downloaded from the following sites and platforms:
Démonette : https://www.demonette.fr/
Demonext : https://www.demonext.xyz/
OSF : https://osf.io/db2w8/
It will also be soon available on:
Ortolang : https://www.ortolang.fr/fr/accueil/
REDAC : http://redac.univ-tlse2.fr/lexique/demonette
For more information, please visit the Demonext website:
Fiammetta Namer and Nabil Hathout
CLLE, CNRS & Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès
Maison de la Recherche. F-31058 Toulouse cedex 9
Tél. (+33) 561-504-013. Nabil.Hathout(a)univ-tlse2.fr
A fully funded PhD Studentship is available to work with Dr Anna Lobley,
Associate Director, Biological Data Science at Exscientia, Dr Arkaitz
Zubiaga, Senior Lecturer at the School of Electronic Engineering and
Computer Science, Queen Mary University London, and Dr Claudia Cabrera,
Lecturer in Bioinformatics at the William Harvey Research Institute at
Queen Mary University London.
Awards will cover UK tuition fees, stipend at UKRI rate (currently
£19,668), and a consumable allowance for 4 years (pro-rata for part-time
*Project Description:*
Methods for automated target and biomarker identification typically
involve ranking genes and proteins according to indication relevance
criteria. A typical process then involves traversing scientific
literature for supporting evidence. However, many age-related western
world diseases bear the hallmarks of complex heterogeneous conditions
that vary along a spectrum of disease severity. They frequently involve
multiple systems and pathways. Hence selection pools comprise many
hundreds to thousands of genes. Selecting the best targets and
stratification biomarkers from a large candidate pool presents a
significant challenge in drug discovery. Current approaches are at best
semi-automated or rely on expert opinion. This means it is difficult to
avoid bias in such decision making tasks. Decision theory is one branch
of Artificial Intelligence that can be applied to help resolve these
complexities. Automated reasoning and argumentation theory are two
appropriate branches of natural language processing well suited to the
task. The aim of this project is to fully automate target and biomarker
selections using a combination of NLP-based and recommendation methods.
The end goal is to generate unbiased decisions from a complex network of
information relationships.
We are seeking a highly motivated students who are passionate about
contributing to biological knowledge through the application of NLP to
large text corpora and biomolecular data sets.
The deadline for applications is May 1st 2023 and projects start in
September 2023.
For more details, see
For more on eligibility and how to apply, see
*Apologies for cross-posting*
1st Workshop on Open Community-Driven Machine Translation (CrowdMT)
Tampere, Finland, on June 15, 2023
*https://macocu.eu/workshop* <https://macocu.eu/workshop>
First Call for Papers
The 1st edition of the Workshop on Open Community-Driven Machine
Translation (CrowdMT) will be held in Tampere, Finland, on June 15, 2023,
co-located with EAMT 2023.
The workshop aims to be as open as possible: we invite everybody that works
on topics related to machine translation in an open and community-driven
way. We welcome submissions either as a full paper or just an abstract. The
full papers have to present previously unpublished work, but abstract
submission is open for anybody who wishes to discuss their relevant work.
This work can be previously published, work in progress or simply a
proposal for a new project. Topics for submissions include, but are not
limited to:
development of machine translation toolkits,
platforms and services;
collection and curation of datasets that can be used to build machine
translation systems;
automatic post-editing software and data;
machine translation quality estimation software and data;
machine translation evaluation;
integration of machine translation in computer-aided translation;
use of monolingual resources to improve machine translation; and
software, data and models licensing issues.
Submission information
The workshop accepts submission in two different modalities:
Abstracts: authors can submit abstracts up to 1 page that summarize the
contribution of a work/paper. If accepted, authors will have the option
of having their abstracts included in the proceedings of the workshop.
Papers: authors can submit papers between 4 and 10 pages (including
appendices but not references). If accepted, in addition to presenting
their work to the audience, authors will be requested to submit a
camera-ready version of paper that will be included in the proceedings of
the workshop.
Submissions should be formatted according to the EAMT 2023 guidelines
<https://events.tuni.fi/eamt23/second-call-for-papers/> and submitted in
PDF through EasyChair page (link to be announced).
Important dates
Workshop paper/abstracts due: 14th April 2023
Notification of acceptance: 28th April 2023
Camera-ready papers/extended abstracts due: 12th May 2023
Workshop date: 15th June 2023
Dr. Miquel Esplà-Gomis
Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics
Universitat d'Alacant
Carretera de Sant Vicent del Raspeig s/n
03690 Sant Vicent del Raspeig, Alacant (Spain)
Tel: +34 965903400 ext. 2424
(apologies for crossposting)
The Institute for Natural Language Processing at the University of
Stuttgart invites applications for a 1-year postdoc and a 3-year postdoc
position in the DFG-funded project "User’s Choice of Images and Text to
Express Emotions in Twitter and Reddit" (ITEM). The project is co-lead
by Carina Silberer (for the multimodal language & vision aspect of the
project) and Roman Klinger (for the aspect of emotion and emotion
stimulus analysis). You can find more information in the detailed job
description at https://romanklinger.de/projects/job-item.pdf
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
* roman.klinger(a)ims.uni-stuttgart.de
* carina.silberer(a)ims.uni-stuttgart.de
The application deadline is May 10th, 2023. We intend to start the
project in late summer.
Best regards,
Roman (Klinger)
(apologies for crossposting)
The Institute for Natural Language Processing at the University of
Stuttgart invites applications for a 3-year position that can be filled
by a Phd student (with some prior experience) or a postdoctoral
researcher. The successful candidate will work in the project "The
Interplay of Emotions and Convincingness in Argument Mining for NLP"
(EMCONA) in which we analyse the effect that emotions play on the
convincingness of emotions. The project is a collaboration between the
University of Stuttgart (Roman Klinger) and the University of Bielefeld
(Steffen Eger). The PhD student who is advised by Roman Klinger in Stuttgart
will focus on appraisal-theory-based analysis of emotions in
argumentative texts. The PhD student in Steffen Eger's group will work
on generating bias-free arguments. You can find more information at
If you have questions, please contact Roman Klinger via email at
The application deadline is May 10th, 2023. We intend to start the
project in late summer.
Best regards,
Roman (Klinger)
*** Final Call for Special Track Proposals ***
10th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2023)
October 24-26, 2023, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC) is the premier
conference on advances in the state of the art and practice of Service-Oriented Computing and
Cloud Computing in Europe. The main objectives of this conference are to facilitate the
exchange between researchers and practitioners in the areas of Service-oriented Computing
and Cloud Computing and to foster future collaborations in Europe and beyond.
ESOCC 2023 will host Special Tracks as part of its program. Special Tracks provide a space
where ESOCC participants can discuss, e.g., topics relevant to Service-Oriented and Cloud
Computing even if not explicitly mentioned in ESOCC’s topics of interest
(cf. https://cyprusconferences.org/esocc2023/call-for-papers/), early-stage research ideas
and/or results, or demonstrate industry-ready tools and research prototypes. Special Tracks
may be driven by research interests, needs from specific application domains, or aim at bringing
together practitioners and researchers from the area of Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing.
Proposals for special tracks should indicate the title of the Special Track, its aims and scope
(150-300 words), the Special Track chair(s), and the tentative members of the track’s PC.
Please email your proposals as a PDF file to the PC chairs of ESOCC 2023, Florian Rademacher
(florian.rademacher at fh-dortmund.de) and Jacopo Soldani (jacopo.soldani at unipi.it). Special
Tracks will be selected for ESOCC 2023 using a lightweight review process.
• Special Track Proposal Submission: April 18th, 2023 (AoE)
• Notification of Acceptance: April 24th, 2023 (AoE)
Chairs of accepted Special Tracks can devise a Call for Papers for their track, which will be
published on ESOCC 2023 website, together with the provided information on the track (title,
aims and scope, PC). The Call for Papers for their track will then be disseminated alongside
that of ESOCC, and submissions will be handled through the EasyChair of ESOCC, which will
include a special track link. Papers accepted for Special Tracks will be included in the main
conference proceedings of ESOCC 2023, published by Springer in the LNCS series.
The best papers accepted in the Special Tracks will be eligible for consideration to be
invited to submit extended versions for a Journal Special Issue to be published by Springer
Special Track chairs, presenters, and participants will be required to register through the
ESOCC 2023 registration page.
In case of any questions related to the Special Tracks, please do not hesitate to contact the
Program Chairs.
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, CY
(george at ucy.ac.cy)
Program Chairs
• Florian Rademacher, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, DE
(florian.rademacher at fh-dortmund.de) • Jacopo Soldani, University of Pisa, IT
(jacopo.soldani at unipi.it)
Steering and Program Committee
The University of Amsterdam invites applications for postdoctoral and Ph.D.
positions on the intersection of ML, NLP, and Computer Vision. The
research is funded by NWO (Dutch Science Foundation) grant of Ivan Titov (
http://ivan-titov.org/). The postdocs and PhD students will be employed by
the University of Amsterdam and will be members of the Institute for Logic,
Language, and Computation <https://www.illc.uva.nl/> and the Faculty of
Science. The collaboration is envisaged with researchers at the University
of Amsterdam (e.g., Efstratios Gavves, and Wilker Aziz), as well as at the
University of Edinburgh (e.g., Edoardo Ponti, Hakan Bilen, Sidharth N., and
Kenny Smith).
The research will focus primarily on two directions (or their
1) *learning from language* in grounded settings: exploiting knowledge
embedded in language and language models to help solve decision-making
applications and produce generalizable and interpretable models for these
2) *emergent communication* and collaboration: developing agents which
learn to communicate with humans, explain their predictions and decision
strategies, and also improve with human feedback.
*Application deadline: May 1, 2023, 17:00 (Netherlands)*
For informal enquiries please contact: Ivan Titov (titov(a)uva.nl)
Please find more details by following the links:
Ph.D. positions:
Postdoc positions:
*** Open Invitation for Self-Nomination to the Program Committee of BESC 2023 ***
10th International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC 2023)
October 30 - November 1, 2023, 5* Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus
The International Conference on Behavioural and Social Computing (BESC) is a major
international forum that brings together academic researchers and industry practitioners from
artificial intelligence, computational social sciences, natural language processing, business
and marketing, and behavioural and psychological sciences to present updated research
efforts and progresses on foundational and emerging interdisciplinary topics of BESC,
exchange new ideas and identify future research directions.
The BESC series of conferences are technically sponsored by IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and
Cybernetics) Society as well as IEEE CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) and the
proceedings are published by IEEE
BESC 2023 is recruiting new PC members. If you are interested to join the PC and assist in the
review process, please fill the form available here: https://forms.gle/X2cYY2jfmVBMHcNi9
Please note the submission deadline and bear in mind that your assistance in the review
process will be required between mid-July and mid-September.
• Submission of all papers: 15 July 2023
• Notification of acceptance for submitted papers: 15 September 2023
Steering Committee Chair
• Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
General Chair
• George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Program Chairs
• Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
• Ji Zhang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Special Session Chairs
• Taotao Cai, University of Southern Queensland, Australia (taotao.cai AT usq.edu.au)
• Ting Yu, Zhejiang Lab, China (yuting AT zhejianglab.com)
Doctoral Symposium Chair
• Barbara Caci, University of Palermo, Italy
Panel and Tutorial Chair
• Philippe Fournier-Viger, Shenzhen University, China
Proceedings Chair
• Md Rafiqul Islam, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Publicity Chairs
• Chandan Gautam, Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore
• Thanveer Shaik, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
• Sanjay Sonbhadra, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, India
• Shiqing Wu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Second International Workshop on Automatic Translation
for Signed and Spoken Languages (AT4SSL2023 @EAMT2023)
Second Call For Papers
****** Apologies for cross -posting ******
According to the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) over 70 million people are deaf and communicate primarily via Sign Language (SL). Currently, human interpreters are the main medium for sign-to-spoken, spoken-to-sign and sign-to-sign language translation. The availability and cost of these professionals is often a limiting factor in communication between signers and non-signers. Machine Translation (MT) is a core technique for reducing language barriers for spoken languages. Although MT has come a long way since its inception in the 1950s, it still has a long way to go to successfully cater to all communication needs and users. When it comes to the deaf and hard of hearing communities, MT is in its infancy. The complexity of the task to automatically translate between SLs or sign and spoken languages, requires a multidisciplinary approach (Bragg et al., 2019)<https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3308561.3353774>.
The rapid technological and methodological advances in deep learning, and in AI in general, that we see in the last decade, have not only improved MT, recognition of image, video and audio signals, the understanding of language, the synthesis of life-like 3D avatars, etc., but have also led to the fusion of interdisciplinary research innovations that lays the foundation of automated translation services between sign and spoken languages.
This one-day workshop aims to be a venue for presenting and discussing (complete, ongoing or future) research on automatic translation between sign and spoken languages and bring together researchers, practitioners, interpreters and innovators working in related fields. We are delighted to confirm that two interpreters for English<>International Sign (IS) will be present during the event, to make it as inclusive as possible to anyone who wishes to participate.
Theme of the workshop: Data is one of the key factors for the success of today’s AI, including language and translation models for sign and spoken languages. However, when it comes to SL, MT and Natural Language Processing, we face problems related to small volumes of (parallel) data, large veracity in terms of origin of annotations (deaf or hearing interpreters), non-standardized annotations (e.g. glosses differ across corpora), video quality or recording setting, and others. The theme of this edition of the workshop is Sign language parallel data – challenges, solutions and resolutions.
The AT4SSL workshop aims to open a (guided) discussion between participants about current challenges, innovations and future developments related to the automatic translation between sign and spoken languages. To this extent, AT4SSL will host a moderated round table around the following three topics: (i) quality of recognition and synthesis models and user-expectations; (ii) co-creation -- deaf, hearing and hard-of-hearing people joining forces towards a common goal and (iii) sign-to-spoken and spoken-to-sign translation technology in media.
This workshop aims to focus on the following topics. However, submissions related to the general topic of automatic translation between signed and spoken languages that deviate from these topics are also welcome:
* Data: resources, collection and curation, challenges, processing, data life cycle
* Use-cases, applications
* Ethics, privacy and policies
* Sign language linguistics
* Machine translation (with a focus on signed-to-signed, signed-to-spoken or spoken-to-signed language translation)
* Natural language processing
* Interpreting of sign and spoken languages
* Image and video recognition (for the purpose of sign language recognition)
* 3D avatar and virtual signers synthesis
* Usability and challenges of current methods and methodologies
* Sign language in the media
Two types of submissions are going to be accepted for the AT4SSL workshop:
* Research, review, position and application papers
Unpublished papers that present original, completed work. The length of each paper should be at least four (4) and maximum eight (8) pages, with unlimited pages for references.
* Extended abstracts
Extended abstracts should present original, ongoing work or innovative ideas. The length of each extended abstract is four (4) pages, with unlimited pages for references.
Both papers should be formatted according to the official EAMT 2023 style templates (LaTex<https://events.tuni.fi/uploads/2022/12/ee35fd56-latex_template.zip>. Overleaf<https://www.overleaf.com/read/mkjbkppndvxw>, MS Word<https://events.tuni.fi/uploads/2022/12/edd598d2-eamt23.docx>, Libre/Open Office<https://events.tuni.fi/uploads/2022/12/ece98f81-eamt23.odt>, PDF<https://events.tuni.fi/uploads/2022/12/6e89772e-eamt23.pdf>).
Accepted papers and extended abstracts will be published in the EAMT 2023 proceedings and will be presented at the conference.
Submissions must be anonymized.
Papers and extended abstracts should be submitted using EASY Chair<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eamt2023>.
Work that has been or is planned to be submitted to other venues must be declared as such. Upon acceptance at AT4SSL, it must be withdrawn from the other venues.
The review will be double-blind.
* First call for papers: 13-March-2023
* Second call for papers: 3-April-2023
* Submission deadline: 14-April-2023
* Review process: between 17-April-2023 and 05-May-2023
* Acceptance notification: 12-May-2023
* Camera ready submission: 01-June-2023
* Submission of material for interpreters: 06-June-2023
* Programme will be finalised by: 01-June-2023
* Workshop date: 15-June-2023
Dimitar Shterionov (TiU)
Mirella De Sisto (TiU)
Mathias Muller (UZH)
Davy Van Landuyt (EUD)
Rehana Omardeen (EUD)
Shaun O’Boyle (DCU)
Annelies Braffort (Paris-Saclay University)
Floris Roelofsen (UvA)
Frédéric Blain (TiU)
Bram Vanroy (KU Leuven; UGent)
Eleftherios Avramidis (DFKI)
Dimitar Shterionov, workshop chair: d.shterionov(a)tilburguniversity.edu
Registration will be handled by the EAMT2023 conference. (To be announced)