Dear all,
For an experiment, I need some resources that include semantic annotations for inflectional languages (especially Italian, German, and Spanish). More precisely, I would need a list of common nouns that refer to human entities in these languages (i.e. "man", "woman", "teenager", "uncle", "baker", "liar", ...). If the annotations also include information on gender, it would be even better.
For instance, for French, DELA (UNITEX dictionaries), Démonette, or FrSemCor are appropriate, but their counterparts in other languages (especially for DELA) do not include the semantic annotations I am looking for. To give you a more concrete idea, in the mentioned French resources, we can find lexical entities followed by annotations such as ":Person", "+Hum", "+Profession" (occupation) or "@AGM/@AGF" (masculine/feminine agent). Do you have any ideas or suggestions?
So far, the relevant resources I found are either under a prohibitive license or the links are not working anymore. I am looking for resources that are free for non-commercial, academic use.
Thanks a lot and have a nice week,
Fanny Ducel - PhD Student at LISN, Université Paris-Saclay (France) - fanny.ducel(a)