(In English below)
Institutionen för lingvistik vid Stockholms universitet utlyser två
doktorandtjänster. Alla ämnen inom institutionens forskningsprofil är
välkomna, men vi inom avdelningen för datorlingvistik blir extra glada
åt ansökningar riktade mot just datorlingvistik.
Sökanden med datorlingvistisk profil är välkomna att kontakta Robert
Östling (robert(a)ling.su.se) eller Mats Wirén (mats.wiren(a)ling.su.se) för
diskussioner rörande forskningsplanen.
Mer information och ansökningsformulär finns på följande sida:
Ansökningsdödlinje är 15 oktober 2022.
The Department of Linguistics at Stockholm University is happy to
announce two fully funded 4-year PhD positions. All research topics
within the department's research profile are welcome, but at the section
for computational linguistics we are particularly looking forward to
applications geared towards computational linguistics.
Applicants with such a profile are welcome to contact Robert Östling
(robert(a)ling.su.se) or Mats Wirén (mats.wiren(a)ling.su.se) for
discussions related to the research plan.
More information and a digital application form can be found on the
following web page:
The application deadline is October 15th, 2022
Hi all,
At Department of Advanced Computing Sciences (DACS)<https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/research/department-advanced-computing-…>, at Maastricht University in The Netherlands, we have a PhD position opening on Neural Machine Translation on an exciting new Horizon project, involving developing a multi-lingual translation model to be used in order to optimise user experience with extended reality applications. You will be working closely with an interdisciplinary team
Deadline is: October 2nd, full info and how to apply here<https://www.academictransfer.com/en/317743/phd-candidate-in-neural-machine-…>
If you have questions about the city, department (or anything else), feel free to ask me!
Gerasimos (Jerry) Spanakis, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Advanced Computing Sciences | Maastricht Law+Tech Lab
Faculty of Science and Engineering
[cid:image001.png@01D4BD3B.1A7CBE90] https://www.twitter.com/gerasimoss
Paul-Henri Spaaklaan 1, 6229EN, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Room C4.029A
Postbus 616, 6200 MD Maastricht
T 0031(0)4338-83916
ECIR'23: 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval
Dublin, Ireland, April 2-6, 2023
Sep 30, 2022: Abstract deadline (required!)
Oct 7, 2022: Full paper deadline
ECIR’23 is seeking submissions of direct and indirect relevance to
information retrieval in a broad sense, including the main challenges of
providing effective search and retrieval, multimedia and multi-modal
content management, user interaction, large-scale search, machine
learning, as well as societal and technical challenges.
Detailed Call for Papers: https://easychair.org/cfp/ecir23
PC Chairs: Jaap Kamps (Univ. Amsterdam), Lorraine Goeuriot (Univ.
Grenoble Alpes), Fabio Crestani (USI), ecir23-pc-chairs(a)easychair.org
FAQ #1: The most asked question is about the length...
ECIR full papers are 12 pages (+ refs) in LNCS style, making them
attractive for both expanded ACM style short papers, as well as more
focused ACM style full papers. We love to get both!
Dear colleagues,
I hope this email finds you well!
Please could you distribute the following information to potential
*MA Programme in LINGUISTICS at the University of Oslo*
* non-EU/non-EEA applicants:* application portal opens on 15
October and closes on 15 November 2022
* EU/EEA applicants:* application portal opens on 1 February and
closes on 1 March 2023
*Location: *Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies,
University of Oslo (Norway)
*Teaching language: *English (This is a bilingual MA programme. The
programme is offered in both English and Norwegian. Courses will be
taught in English if there are students registered who cannot speak
*Approximate fees: *The MA programme in Linguistics is FREE OF CHARGE
(also for international students).
(Please note that the University of Oslo has an obligatory semester fee
of approx. 75 Euro for all of its students, which includes membership in
the student welfare organization SiO.)
*Duration and study load: *Two academic years with a study load of 120
ECTS credits. Details of the programme structure can be found at
The University of Oslo (UiO), Norway’s oldest university and one of its
largest, with the highest number of language subjects and students in
language and linguistics, is now accepting international applications
for its Master’s programme in Linguistics. The two-year master’s
programme in linguistics at the University of Oslo specializes in
general linguistics, covering a variety of theoretical orientations, and
including foci on typology, theoretical syntax, formal semantics and
pragmatics, experimental phonetics and phonology, language contact and
language change (historical linguistics). Methodologically, it
incorporates a range of different approaches, including fieldwork and
elicitation techniques, language documentation, linguistic anthropology,
psycholinguistic experimentation, and corpus linguistics. The department
has also recently established a research group on ‘super linguistics’,
the application of linguistic methodology to objects of study beyond
natural language (including gestures, emoji, and dance). Regional foci
of research within the department include the Pacific region, the Indian
subcontinent, Ethiopia, the languages of Scandinavia, and languages of
North America; students are particularly encouraged to carry out
projects that combine theoretical questions with empirical data, as well
as projects that involve the theoretical analysis of lesser-described
languages. The master’s programme in linguistics is hosted at the
University of Oslo’s Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies,
which is host to two state-of-the-art labs, the Text Laboratory
which hosts corpora and databases, and the Socio-Cognitive Laboratory
(<https://www.hf.uio.no/multiling/english/topics/lab/>), with a video
studio, an EEG room, and an eye-tracking room.
Students will receive a solid background in general linguistics, and
will be educated by an international faculty, holding PhD degrees from
top universities in the USA and Europe, including Norway, who maintain
active networks with researchers around the world, which will enable
students to start building an international network in linguistics while
carrying out their own independent research project. The University of
Oslo has also established high-profile exchange agreements that will
enable students to spend a semester abroad if they wish to do so during
their MA studies. The training will equip students for pursuing a PhD
position, or for entering the job market both in the public sector and
in private industry (language technology). Recent graduates of our MA in
Linguistics have, amongst other career paths, continued with PhD studies
at prestigious universities in the USA and Europe (including Norway),
and worked as language consultants for the HBO series “Beforeigners”.
*Entry profile: *Applicants must have completed an in-depth study of at
least 80 ECTS within linguistics (including a minimum of 40 ECTS in core
areas such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics or
pragmatics). For details on which courses will qualify you for
application, visit
For further information about the academic programme, please contact the
linguistics program coordinator:
Prof. Patrick Georg Grosz
For further information about the admission requirements, please
contact: frontoffice(a)iln.uio.no
Please note that English language proficiency must be documented with a
valid TOEFL ibt, IELTS Academic or PTE Academic test score for students
who are not covered by one of the exemptions. The test result cannot be
older than two years on the date of the application deadline. The list
of exemptions can be found at
For information about the application process visit:
Patrick G. Grosz
Professor of Linguistics / Professor i lingvistikk
Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies / Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier
University of Oslo / Universitetet i Oslo
*Pragmatic Variation across the New Englishes*
August 17 and 18, 2023
University of Münster, Germany
Plenary speakers:
Eric Anchimbe, Bayreuth University
Jakob Leimgruber, Regensburg University
Anne Schröder, Bielefeld University
Important dates:
September 15, 2022 Call for Papers
January 15, 2023 Abstract submission
February 15, 2023 Notification of acceptance
There is still little research on the pragmatics of the ‘New’ varieties
of English, although first studies have shown their specific pragmatic
properties (e.g. Anchimbe 2018, Leimgruber 2018, Schröder & Schneider
2018, Unuabonah & Gut 2018) and theoretical approaches have been
developed to describe and explain pragmatic variation across varieties
of English (e.g., Schneider & Barron 2008, Anchimbe 2018). The aim of
the workshop is to bring together researchers in this field in order to
stimulate theoretical development as well as further studies and future
Abstracts (500 words excluding references) are invited for 20-minute
talks on any aspect of the pragmatics of the New Englishes. The
submission deadline is January 15th, 2023.
Please submit your abstract to PVNE2023(a)uni-muenster.de
The workshop will take place in a hybrid format. Please indicate whether
you would like to give an online presentation or join the workshop in
(I am not associated with the workshop, just posting this on behalf of
the organisers)
Prof. Dr. Robert Fuchs (JP) | Department of English Language and
Literature/Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik | University of
Hamburg | Überseering 35, 22297 Hamburg, Germany | Room 07076 |
https://uni-hamburg.academia.edu/RobertFuchs |
Mailing list on varieties of English/World Englishes/ENL-ESL-EFL.
Subscribe here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/var-eng/join
Are you a non-native speaker of English? Please help us by taking this
short survey on when and how you use the English language:
Am Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS) in Mannheim sind zum
nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt folgende Stellen zu besetzen:
2 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen (m/w/d)
(PostDoc, 100%, Kennziffer 30/2022)
Ihr Aufgabenbereich umfasst die Mitarbeit im BMBF-geförderten Projekt
"LernGrammis" im Rahmen der Nationalen Bildungsplattform. Das Projekt
implementiert ein thematisch und medial vielfältiges Lernangebot für
Sprachwissen. Es führt in die Systematik der deutschen Grammatik ein und
verfolgt hierfür einen adaptiv niederschwelligen Ansatz.
Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind:
- Konzeption modularer Lernbausteine und Lernpfade im grammatischen
Informationssystem grammis (grammis.ids-mannheim.de)
- Fach- und mediendidaktische Planung des Angebots
Das bringen Sie mit:
- Promotion in germanistischer Sprachwissenschaft (oder eines verwandten
- fundierte Kenntnisse der Grammatik des Deutschen und/oder didaktische
- Teamfähigkeit, Kreativität, Freude am wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
Wir bieten Ihnen ein interessantes Arbeitsfeld in einem renommierten
wissenschaftlichen Forschungsinstitut, in dem vielfältige Möglichkeiten
zur Zusammenarbeit bestehen – projektintern, projektübergreifend und mit
zahlreichen (internationalen) Kooperationspartnern. Das IDS bietet ein
Forschungsumfeld mit hervorragender Expertise in der linguistischen
Forschung und engen Verbindungen zu den Universitäten Mannheim und
Heidelberg. Wir unterstützen unsere Mitarbeiter/-innen bei der
Wir bieten flexible Arbeitszeitregelungen sowie die Möglichkeit,
teilweise mobil zu arbeiten, eine attraktive Altersvorsorge,
Kostenzuschuss zur Kinderbetreuung und eine leistungsgerechte Vergütung
nach dem Tarifvertrag der Länder. Das IDS verfolgt das Ziel der
beruflichen Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern und ist bestrebt, den
Anteil von Frauen in den Bereichen zu erhöhen, in denen sie
unterrepräsentiert sind. Die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie wird
vom IDS in besonderem Maße gefördert. Das IDS begrüßt Bewerbungen
schwerbehinderter Personen.
Die Arbeitsverhältnisse sind bis Herbst 2024 befristet. Die Vergütung
erfolgt in Abhängigkeit von Ihrer Qualifikation und Ihren Erfahrungen
bis zur Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L.
Ihre aussagekräftige schriftliche Bewerbung mit Lebenslauf und
Zeugnissen in einem PDF-Dokument richten Sie bitte unter Angabe der o.
a. Kennziffer per E-Mail an:
Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS)
E-Mail: bewerbungen(a)ids-mannheim.de
Kompletter Ausschreibungstext:
Für Auskünfte steht Herr PD Dr. Roman Schneider
(schneider(a)ids-mannheim.de) gerne zur Verfügung.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!
PD Dr. habil. Roman Schneider
Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, R5 6-13, 68161 Mannheim
Tel: +49(621) 1581-217 / Fax: +49(621) 1581-200
Postdoctoral researcher in Machine Learning applied to Natural Language Processing
EPSRC Project: Modeling Idiomaticity in Human and Artificial Language Processing (MIA)
Duration: Fixed-term with an end date of 30 November 2023. Full-time, although part-time would be considered (working commitment and pattern to be agreed)
Application Deadline: October 08,2022
Application link: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CTD489/research-associate-in-machine-learning-fo… <https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CTD489/research-associate-in-machine-learning-fo…>
The University of Sheffield (UK)
The University of Sheffield invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher in Machine Learning applied to Natural Language Processing position, which is part of the EPSRC project on MIA: Modeling Idiomaticity in Human and Artificial Language Processing, a collaboration led by Prof. Aline Villavicencio, Dr. Carolina Scarton, and Prof. Anna Korhonen.
We are looking to make an appointment as soon as possible after the deadline. The initial appointment will be until November 2023. The position is remunerated according to Grade 7.3 pay scale:£35,333 per annum.
The responsibility of the postdoctoral researcher is to research strategies for more transparent machine learning models to generate accurate cross-lingual representations for idiomatic language, as well as to contribute to the design and development of resources and evaluation of downstream tasks, like machine translation. The researcher will also collaborate with the University of Cambridge (UK) and the Aix Marseille University (France), partners in this project.
The ideal candidate will have:
- A PhD in Machine Learning/Natural Language Processing or related field;
- A strong publication record commensurate with career stage;
- Expertise in machine learning (applied to NLP), with experience in the analysis and development of classical and deep learning models;
- Experience in using libraries for NLP and deep learning, such as Tensorflow and Keras;
- Experience in data annotation, data collection, and creating new benchmark datasets for evaluation;
- A willingness to further improve methods skills and to transfer knowledge to doctoral researchers and student assistants.
Expertise in at least one of the following areas is advantageous but not required:
- Track record in ML/NLP methods for developing word representation models;
- Knowledge of machine translation models.
MIA project:
MIA is part of the EPSRC call for Responsible NLP for Intelligent Interfaces. In MIA, we will develop idiomatically-aware word/phrase representation models with the ability to process idiomatic (non-literal) language, by incorporating clues that are linguistically-motivated and cognitively-inspired by human processing data. Equipping natural language processing (NLP) models with the ability to process idiomatic expressions is important for obtaining more accurate representations that can lead to gains in downstream tasks, such as machine translation (MT) and text simplification (TS). MIA targets a crucial limitation in standard NLP models, as idiomaticity is part of human communication, with potential benefits to applications that include natural language interfaces, like conversational agents, question answering and information retrieval systems.
Host institution:
The project is hosted by the Department of Computer Science at the University of Sheffield, a leading international center for research in the UK. We are ranked in the top five for research excellence as part of the 2014 Research Excellence Framework, with 92% of our research outputs being world-leading or internationally-excellent. Our research environment is the best in the country (as measured by the 4* and 3* REF environment score).
The NLP and Speech and Hearing groups have over 60 academics, maintaining an active program of seminars, with exceptional facilities for research, and ample opportunities for collaboration. It is one of the largest and most successful NLP groups in Europe, with multiple worldwide collaborations. Sheffield is a vibrant city with a rich cultural life, with a large number of parks and the Peak District just nearby, perfect for outdoor activities and a high quality of life.
Applications must be submitted using the University of Sheffield system. More information can be found here:
https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CTD489/research-associate-in-machine-learning-fo… <https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CTD489/research-associate-in-machine-learning-fo…>
The University of Sheffield is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants from underrepresented minorities are highly encouraged to apply. Remote working arrangements will be discussed upon request. The Department of Computer Science holds a Silver Athena SWAN award, in recognition of our commitment to equality and diversity.
Application Deadline: October 08, 2022
For informal enquiries about this job and the recruiting department, contact: Professor Aline Villavicencio on <>a.villavicencio(a)sheffield.ac.uk <mailto:a.villavicencio@sheffield.ac.uk>.
For administration queries and details on the application process, contact the lead recruiter: Renata Goddard on <>com-researchrecruitment(a)sheffield.ac.uk <mailto:com-researchrecruitment@sheffield.ac.uk>.
For all online application system queries and support, visit: www.sheffield.ac.uk/jobs/applying <http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/jobs/applying>
Prof. Aline Villavicencio
Chair in Natural Language Processing
Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield
The Department of Psychology at Stockholm University invites
applications for a postdoctoral fellow in computational linguistics /
cognitive science. The position involves a full-time employment for a
maximum of two years, starting on November 1 2022, or as per agreement.
The applicant will work in a research project that investigates
crosslinguistic differences and similarities of smell vocabularies. In
the project, smell vocabularies of diverse languages are mapped partly
with the help of data-driven machine learning methods based on natural
texts (i.e. text corpora), and partly based on more traditional
lexical-typological, linguistic methods based on native speaker
Main responsibilities
- analysis of text corpora using NLP methods, word embedding
modeling, machine learning and similar methods
- quantitative data analysis and visualisation
- writing of scientific articles
- possibly also experimental data collection
Required qualifications
- PhD in linguistics, cognitive science or similar, completed no more
than three years before the application closing date (with some exceptions).
- high-level skills in Python programming
- documented experience in working with text corpora and various NLP
methods and word space modeling (such as Word2Vec, BERT, GPT2)
- documented experience of independent scientific work resulting in one
or several publications in scientific journals or conference proceedings
Desired qualifications
- documented experience of machine learning and other statistical
methods such as regression analysis, PCA, hierarchical clustering, or
neural networks
- documented experience of text data processing and pre-processing,
compilation of data from different sources, data visualisation
- documented experience of experimental or survey data collection
- good collaboration skills, be innovative, solution-oriented and able
to work independently
- basic knowledge of linguistics and cognitive psychology
Applications should include
- contact details and personal data
- highest degree
- cover letter
- CV – degrees and other completed courses, work experience and a list
of publications
- research proposal (no more than 3 pages) describing why you are
interested in the project, how you wish to contribute, and why you are
suitable for the project
- copy of PhD diploma
- letters of recommendation (no more than 3 files)
- publications in support of your application (no more than 3 files)
- language skills
- contact details for 2–3 references
Application deadline: 07-Oct-2022
Web adress for application:
Contact information
Dr. Thomas Hörberg
Dear friends and colleagues!
*Due to technical problems our site has been down for almost a week.*
*Now it is back on place.*
*This is why we repeat our last Call for papers for ConsILR-2022 *
We kindly invite you to submit a paper for the 17th edition of
The *International Conference on Linguistic Resources and Tools *
*for Natural Language Processing* – ConsILR-2022
together with the 2nd *DeLORo Workshop*,
which will jointly take place
from the 10th to the 12th of November 2022,
in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova and online.
The deadlines for paper’ submissions have been extended:
- *September 30, 2022 – paper submission;*
- *October 12, 2022 – authors’ notification;*
- *October 20, 2022 – final form submission;*
We invite papers presenting original and unpublished research in all
areas related to Linguistic Resources and Tools for Natural Language
Processing. We call for contributions that range from theoretical,
empirical and applied linguistics to computational models, from development
of resources to their dedicated use for the improvement of the natural
language technology, research related to any language or no one in
particular; case studies, demos and review papers are also most welcome. We
encourage research evidencing specific interest on the Romanian spoken or
written language per se or in contrast with other languages or within its
idioms, describing morphological, syntactic and semantic structures,
pragmatic usage, multi-word expressions, culture-bound or nature-related,
the formation of the modern Romanian language, etc. Submitted papers can
include descriptions of accomplished or in progress work.
The joint DeLORo <http://deloro.iit.academiaromana-is.ro/> event is rooted
in a nationally funded project aiming to build a technology capable of
automatically transcribing Romanian documents written in Cyrillic into
their Latin equivalents, in order to be placed at the base of future
linguistic and semantic studies of the Romanian language. The 2nd DeLORo
workshop will take place in the 3rd day of the ConsILR conference.
Participants not involved in the project are also welcome.
Authors are encouraged to also submit, additional to the papers *per se*,
open-source linguistic resources, such as corpora (or corpus examples),
demo code, videos and sound files.
Further information can be found on the conference web site
On behalf of the conference organizers,
Victoria Bobicev,
Technical University of Moldova.
*The ConsILR-2022 Conference is dedicated to*
*the Ukrainian scientists! *
*Their participation is tax free. *
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to the North Africans in ML affinity group
workshop <https://sites.google.com/view/northafricansinml/cfp>, which will
take place at NeurIPS 2022. The workshop will include talks, poster
sessions, as well as a shared task relating to ML in North Africa. We will
have both archival and non-archival tracks and invited talks. Junior
researchers and students interested in NLP from North African institutions
and beyond (academia and industry) are welcome to present their new work as
well as completed or ongoing research projects or ideas.
All nationalities are welcome! Authors of non-archival papers can choose to
have their abstracts, bios, and posters posted on our website. NeurIPS D&I
will provide some travel grants and registration fee waivers to the
participants. Please note that all participants are encouraged to apply for
NeurIPS registration fee waivers.
We welcome submissions related to any topic of Machine Learning and NLP. You
can visit our website: https://sites.google.com/view/northafricansinml/.
*Important dates*
Oct 14th: Extended abstract (2 pages), short (4 pages) and long (8 pages)
paper submission deadline
Nov 1st: Notification of acceptance
Nov 15th: Camera ready submission deadline
Nov 15th: Poster submission deadline
Dec 5th: Virtual Workshop
Shared Task tentative schedule
Aug 15th: Registration opens (https://forms.gle/zdZgkNZovFwm9BEX7)
Sept 25th: Releasing the training data
Oct 10th: Releasing the dev data
Nov 8th: Releasing the test data
Nov 10th: System submission deadline
Nov 15th: System description paper deadline
Nov 15th: Poster submission deadline
Dec 5th: Virtual Workshop
Best regards,
The organisers.