Webinar: Randi Reppen -- Inform teaching and learning with corpus resources
and corpora, 2022-12-16, 3pm Sao Paulo
Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies
Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo
Antonieta Celani Distinguished Lecture
Randi Reppen
Northern Arizona University
Title: Inform teaching and learning with corpus resources and corpora
Friday December 16, 2022, 3pm, Sao Paulo time, Brazil
Online talk via Zoom
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Awareness of the use of corpus-informed or corpus-based materials for
language instruction has increased over the last several decades, however,
there remains much to be resolved before widespread use is practical. This
presentation explores three approaches for using corpora and corpus
information to inform language instruction. The approaches range from
using existing corpus-based research and corpus-informed materials, to
carrying out classroom-based corpus research. The approaches move from: 1.
a focus on teachers and existing research and materials; 2. a focus on
teachers and learners using of online resources; 3. back to a focus on
teachers, but with the goal of teacher as researcher. The three approaches
can be used individually, or in combination depending on the instructional
goals and student level. Each approach is described through detailed
examples and practical classroom-based applications using freely available
tools and websites.